What's next? Splinterlands and SPS

in #splinterlands2 years ago

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What's next? Splinterlands and SPS

As a player that as recently joined the Splinterlands community, I want to say that in this article, I will only be speaking about my own experience and what I personally think about the future of Splinterlands and SPS. Of course that I don't have a crystal ball to guess what's going to happen, but I will try to add more value to everyone reading.



Currently, we have around 293k active players (or accounts) in the Splinterlands ecosystem. In the last six to seven months, we have seen more than 5.9 million cards sold in the market. This only means that the game is here to stay in the long term and the plans that the Splinterlands team have for gaming, are huge. One of the main advantages this game has over other NFT games, is its governance token, SPS.



With SPS being introduced in the third quarter of 2021, and as the airdrop system started to give back to players a way to earn this token, we will see big improvements in 2022. The roadmap for next year includes SPS validator nodes, foundation treasury, a new mini-edition of cards called Riftwatchers (that can only be bought with this token), land expansion, reward pools for ranked games and SPS delegation. We will probably see even more uses and more incentive to trade, rather than just holding or staking it. Currently is valued at about $0.17, which is quite low, but I think it has the potential to reach, in the future, to maybe 1$ or even more. It will surely depend on how the game develops.

What's next?

We just saw the Chaos Legion general sale. This is really interesting to see how it will impact the market and the card's value in general in the next few days. Comment bellow what you think it will happen and give your two cents. Also, besides all the roadmap planned for SPS, we will see the introduction for the Mordern and Wild ranked formats. Modern will only allow the use of Untamed and Chaos Legion era cards, while the Wild will allow all cards to be used, regardless of edition. I think this will be a great expansion of the already existing ranked system, meaning we will probably see two quite different metas of summoners and cards being played in each format. I'm also quite intrigued to see how the land expansion will roll out and how it's going to affect gameplay as we know today. All in all, Splinterlands future seems bright, with a lot of new things to come up in the near future.

Special thanks to @luke-wtp for his video about blogging and I hope that everyone enjoyed my first post. Cheers.


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