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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Price Validator Node Licenses in DEC

in #splinterlands2 years ago (edited)

Are vouchers + DEC an option?
Also have you indicated a fixed amount of DEC? 5m?

As an example for tranche 2
Would it be 2.5m DEC + 500 vouchers
5m DEC only

The present effective cost is $2621 (considering cost of 500 vouchers)
If it's 2.5m + 500 then the effective cost right now would be ~$1470 per license
If it's 5m flat then the cost is ~$2700

Then of course more DEC goes out of circulation and it keeps going up in cost for that flat 5m.

Only 5 nodes have been sold in tranche 2 so this is actually great timing to do something IF voters decide to.