Aimless ruleset in Splinterlands - it does not matter if you still deal enough damage

in #splinterlands6 months ago

So we are still in the festive season and approaching hard the end of the year 2023.

Like in a lot of places it is quite quiet all around us and so is true for the Splinterverse, as well.

Let me just wish the readers of this post a good start into the New Year and let us hope Splinterlands will find 2024 being a good year, too.

The challenged ruleset option of the week is called "Aimless":
"All units have the Scattershot ability.
Scattershot can target Camouflaged units."

This means there will not be targeted (ranged) attacks and a lot of random fire, instead.

How will it work out?

Find my battle here:


While I went with my beloved (and most leveled) magic attack lineup, my opponent with a lineup more oriented towards melee. So you would expect the one which gets affected the most by "Aimless" ruleset would be me.


Round 1 went as expected by the abovementioned mechanism of "Aimless". My attacks hit just somewhere on the battlefield. But they had some impact and so I was able to take down two enemy units in Round 1, already.

So Round 2 was looking good for me and I only had to face my opponent's strongest units... sigh
Still my units were mostly intact except for my unfortunate Djinn which is usually protected by its "Camouflage" ability.


Round 3: I was about to lose my main melee unit, Kron. But before leaving the field he took my opponent's front unit off the board.
Looking at the screenshot you could also guess where this battle would end....

...yes. Victory for team jdike!

But what about "Aimless" ruleset? -Basically here it did not really play a big role, because in the end you have to defeat each of your opponent's units. ;)
Another big BUT in a match more narrow and lineups that do more neutralizing to each other, I believe it can play a very BIG role.
And for this match I was somehow lucky to have some "Taunt" ability in place, too!

So in the end I think this is one of the optional rules that usually force you to do some more strategic thinking.

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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121