The Card that broke my lose streak

in #splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

It's been a while since I started playing Splinterlands, and there has been a time where every SINGLE day, I'm experiencing a lose streak of 6, 7, 8, or 9 losses in a row, or even brought me back to Novice League! Novice League!!!

(Yes, I understand that I am a noob haha)

But that changed when I got my daily rewards chest, and this card showed up.
A card that has 5 Health, 4 Speed and 2 Ranged Damage, looks like a decent card, right? But that's not what makes it special, it's about the skill of it, Double Strike which allow it to attack twice each turn.

As a main water element user, this card is dropped from the heavens to a noob like myself. It broke my lose streak and it brought me to rating 1400, no sweat.

Just a tip, in case you have a TORHILO THE FROZEN, and also WATER ELEMENTAL (well this is already a starter card) and a decent mana cap of like 26 to 30. I would suggest to pair these 3 cards together if you think that your opponent will use magic cards. And choose Bortus the summoner so there will be no MAGIC damage to TORHILO THE FROZEN (first in position) AT ALL.


You can enjoy seeing the ZERO damage received by Torhilo as long as the opponent uses magic cards and The Axe Master and the Water Elemental will do the offensive for you!

Thanks a lot for reading!