Splinterlands Art Contest Week 199 - HARKLAW

in #splinterlands2 years ago

Hello everyone, I just want to share my Harklaw Splinterlands Fan-art!
This art is my entry for Splinterlands Art Contest Week 199. This is my first time making this kind of art.

Final Result:
harklaw4 (1).png

My Reference:


"Harklaw - Legendary Chaos Legion Reward Card"


First, I sketch on notebook since I only have computer mouse to work it, After I sketch I take a picture of my sketch and import it and outlined it in photoshop.
I paint the body manually, adding highlights and shadows to make his muscles appear. After that, I added his teeth, eyes, and horns.
Adding more details. I painted his blue tattoos on his body. I also add the cave background.
The final touch, I add up highlights and shadows to make the subject and the background match.<.b

  • Photoshop (default brushes)
  • Acer Laptop

Thank you for your time viewing my blog and my art!


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Man, That is an amazing art work

thank you!! 🤗

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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121