End of season grinding is gonna take a toll on me

in #splinterlands2 years ago

splinter winstreak.png

With just starting a couple days ago I have been really trying to learn everything I can with battling. The main goal was to get to bronze 2 obviously so I can claim the reward of 7 chests at seasons end.

The beginning was a steady grind up with 20% of my enemy's forfeiting (scared) so I got there pretty quickly. Had to open a few packs along the way to get my power up and keep it there, made the rookie mistake of renting out my cards and having my power be too low for bronze 2 but I fixed that quickly.

Confidence got to me and I wanted to grind out my daily challenge, soon after I had many regrets. Instantly going back to bronze 3 and losing a total of 9, yes 9 games in a row. I could not look at the screen without wanting to quit.

Happily ever after as you can see in the screenshot I included, I went on a 7 game winning streak consisting of majority water wins. I had 4 wins with my typical Diemonshark decks that will truly never get old. 3 were with fire which is honestly one of my worst playing decks imo.

I ended at bronze 2 and I am not battling again until the season is over because I do not want to go through that roller coaster again. Happy end of season grinding!


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The other day I lost 11 out of 12 I believe. Weaksauce