Ohh Yeah I Reached Silver 3! Social Media Challange πŸ’ͺ

in #splinterlands β€’ 2 months ago

Let's go gamers!

I reached Silver 3, this new season is treating me well πŸ’ͺ

This week I would like to share with you another game where using a strong tank is important! In fact, in this game I used two Tanks as the game mode is Maneuvers where all units gain reach, so using a second strong Tank is only a benefit here.

Hope you enjoy the memes:

Battle link!


My first monster of choice is the Mycelic Infantry this strong, powerful but slow. "Nice guys finish last" but let me tell you this boy is not nice and with 3 shield and 8 Health good luck getting rid of him!

In the second position we have the Pelacor Mercenary a flying monster so good luck hitting him, now you give him the reach ability and this boy is going to take down your wall like it's nothing, and that's exactly what he did.

As you saw in the video the enemy tank monster died quickly and once that happens, I can't state this enough but in lower ranks, you usually will end up winning the game shortly after that.

Lastly, I would like to address the monsters in the 5th and 6th positions. In the 5th position, I have one of my favourite healers in this game, I have used Wood Nymph since the day that I was born, ok I'll stop with the jokes, but let's be real this monster is amazing why wouldn't you use this monster. In fact, this is one of my go to monsters when playing low mana cost games, once strong tank a healer and brownie and end up winning every time, like no joke this game is easy HAHAHAHA.

And now we come to the monster in the 6th position, this beautiful reward card has always served me well, I have to say that reflect ability is not so important. I just like this card for the magic attack and the crazy amount of Health that this monster has.

πŸ’ͺ Thanks for showing up! Let's see if I can reach gold by the end of next week πŸ’ͺ


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Thanks for sharing! - @underlock

Wrll done