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RE: I want to know the name of the account im playing against...

in #splinterlands2 years ago

if one account is surrendered to more than the typical deviation it should get blocked

This would be the more centralised approach. I think the win trading is less of a problem than the card ownership and battle history analysis of which bots are capable.
Within a fraction of a second, a bot can discern which team I'm least capable of countering.
Any time information confers a competitive advantage on bots, we should obscure it wherever possible.

I appreciate your passion for the game.


All of the card ownership and battle history is openly available information on the blockchain.

IMO a better solution is to make that information more available rather than dumbing it down. There is already an alpha free to use app that is doing this.

I agree with you that bots should not have any advantages over normal players, but I think enabling normal players with better tools/information is the best path to take.

So instead of your idea, "Any time information confers a competitive advantage on bots, we should obscure it wherever possible."
I propose "Any time information confers a competitive advantage on bots, we should make that info available to normal players wherever possible."

Information obfuscation is never the answer. Splinterlands is a blockchain game and advertises itself as a decentralised application.

BTW 99% of bots do not even bother to look at opponent tendencies.

There are ways to counter bots. One way is to create advanced user interfaces for real players so that they can have as much information and data as bots do.

I am actually working on an alternative UI with such stuff, I made a presentation post here.