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RE: League Lock Proposal (Version 2.0)

in #splinterlands5 months ago

As a relatively new player (4 months) to SL in general, who just started playing Wild in the last week or 2 and made it to Silver for the first time in either league, I believe the CP requirements for bronze and silver in Wild are effectively a ban for newer players. I can't deny that my deck feels under powered in Silver III, but so far I'm hanging in there.

I think Botters will have no trouble making the limits, but actual bronze level players in will be forced to play modern.


I am happy to discuss the CP requirements and modify them as needed to ensure everyone can continue to play, these are not set in stone so opinions from newer players like yourself are very valuable. Just looked at your account and you presently have almost 20k cp. You would be able to play into Gold modern with that CP. I don't know if you were aware, but to rent the additional 30k CP to play in silver wild under these new guidelines would cost 6dec a day right now just to put it in perspective (0.6c a day / 4.2c a week). YOU are the kind of player who we really need to focus on so I really appreciate your comment!