Splinterlands - Battle Mage Secrets: Holy Protection

in #splinterlands22 days ago

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Hi everyone, welcome back to my Splinterlands blog, it's time to make the second post for this week, I wanted to do this sooner but the challenge launched just a few hours too late for me to be able to make it on Thursday, and after that... you know how it goes, real life obligations and all... 😅

So this weeks Battle Mage Secrets Challenge is to make a post featuring the Holy Protection ruleset, in which all monsters basically get 1 hit for free, doing 0 damage.
This can not be stacked, so if you bring a monster that has this ability by itself, it just has 1 free hit, and for this reason bringing the summoner Lorna Shine it kinda pointless!

All units gain the Divine Shield ability which reduces the damage of the first attack received to 0.
Divine Shield will be re-applied when a unit is Resurrected.
Blast damage will remove divine shield.

To find out how you can participate in the challenge yourself, you can find the Splinterlands post here.

O, and by the way, are you active on X/ Twitter? If not, you should be as a Splinterlands player! It's the 6th anniversary for my favourite game and I made a post about this for this weeks Social Media Challenge.
On X there are multiple giveaways so be sure to check it out!
And when you have some spare time, you should really consider start blogging yourself if you're not doing this already to start funding your Splinterlands account for free, I make anywhere between $40 and $60 off of it every month, depending if my posts get upvoted or not, no guarantees, and with more players interested in Splinterlands, the competition gets bigger every week!

I still have more cards on my wish list or cards that I wish to level up, and with older cards being lower priced now, even more cards makes it on my wish list that were previously out of my reach, currently on my list:

  • Phantom of the Abyss
  • Dax Paragon (to get the affliction ability)
  • Raa
  • Ancient Lich (to level 2 to have Void)
  • Silvershield Sheriff (to level 6 to get Protect and Piercing)
  • Elven Mystic (to get Silence)
  • Diamond Dragon
  • Dr. Blight (to get Scavenge)

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This weeks Battle Mage Secrets Challenge...

Okay, on with the main topic for this week, like I said this weeks challenge is about the Holy Protection ruleset, and especially with lower mana battles it's important to fill all 6 positions if you can make a nice team with it, because every monster gets a free hit, so basically it takes a minimum of two attacks to get trough even the smallest monster!

The battle I want to share for this post is a low mana battle for a change, in most posts I look for higher mana battles because they tend to be more spectacular but Holy Protection has a bigger impact on low mana battles, when you fill all positions and focus your fire to kill units a.s.a.p. when your opponent doesn't, so this battle is a 18 mana Modern League, Holy Protection / Heavy Hitters battle with only the Fire, Water and Death splinters available to be choosen from, my water and death team both have stunners, but I felt I would be better off to pick water this time, my strategy: focus fire on the first position that is hopefully stunned and killed VERY fast while making sure to fill all six positions to make the best use of the extra hits from Holy Protection.

First look at the battlefield:


Yikes! Even this late in the season, there are still max level players lurking in Modern Silver League, but of course Bronze and Silver players will think the same about me, being a Gold player...
Is it the bots or battle helpers why Modern is so hard at the moment? I really don't know, but there's a LOT of difference between fighting in both formats at the moment! I end up switching back and forth between leagues, when I hit a losing streak and I just started playing I switch leagues, when I'm playing for longer and drained my energy enough, I stop playing when I hit 5 or more losses in a row.

My Line-Up:

  • Summoner: Kelya Frendul - reason: Speed and armor is nice, with low mana it doesn't make sense to pick a legendary summoner.

  • First position: Cruel Sethropod - reason: Low mana with good armor and HP.

  • Second position: Tide Biter - reason: Low mana, good speed and damage, the Reflection Shield can sometimes unexpectedly save your ass against Thorns or Blast.

  • Third position: Torrent Fiend - reason: Just a filler to make use of Holy Protection.

  • Fourth position: Sultry Barmaid - reason: Stun delivery.

  • Fifth position: Igor Darkspear - reason: Good damage and HP for only 2 mana.

  • Sixth position: Chaos Agent - reason: Sneak protection.

The Battle:


Round 1: The Stun got delivered in the Ambush fase, so the rest of my team could take out the Xenith Monk with double damage very fast, killing it before it got a chance to heal, my Chaos Agent is doing it's job perfectly by dodging a few sneak attacks.


Round 2: The Stun landed again on Ureaus, being the next victim of my strategy, the Tenyii Striker is a little harder because of it's speed and dodge ability.


Round 3: As expected my team is having a little more difficulty killing the Tenyii Striker and it dodged two attacks, this high level Striker has the Backfire ability, damaging my cards when they miss, good thing the Stun landed again, so one more hit from Tide Biter will finish him off, with 5 speed against is has a good chance in landing its attack this round.


Round 4: Yep! the attack landed, killing Tenyii Striker, with Xenith Archer at the first position, unable to fire the battle is decided, and the next shot from the Barmaid landed the stun again making a fast finishing kill for my team.


It's always nice to win against higher level opponents, especially with my whole team still standing!

You can watch the battle unfold for yourself here.

Well, that's it for this week, time to get another coffee and get on with my ranked matches and see if I can join any tournaments, I just has a good one, finishing on the 14th place, my personal best ever, earning 86 SPS with a 17W / 5L result, pretty nice!


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Thank you for reading!!!

If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up, I'll happily send the amount I get for your signup back to you in DEC or SPS to help you start.

Have a great day!

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Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar