Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - 6 Year Anniversary!

in #splinterlands23 days ago

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Hi everyone! It's time to make another Splinterlands post for this weeks Social Media Challenge, and it's time to celebrate the sixth anniversary of my favourite game.
So they say 1 year in crypto is 10 years in normal life, the founders Matt and Aggroed must feel very old by now! 😅
To find out how you can participate in the challenge yourself, you can find the Splinterlands post here.

The way it all started...

I wasn't there when the game launched, heck, I wasn't even into crypto by then, I got interested for the first time in 2017 when BTC made the news but I didn't get into it myself until 2019 when BTC started to recover again, soon after I started playing web3 games but I didn't realize just yet what the potential of playing this games could be, and it was actually another game I started with, not Splinterlands - I have to admit...

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So while playing this other game I side eyed Splinterlands but didn't understand a lot of it, so I decided to skip it and went on with my other games, and it wasn't until the end of the summer in 2021 when everything in Splinterlands exploded so it attracted my attention again, hmm.. maybe it's worth to invest a little more time into this, I had never played card games before but I was surely in to strategy and competition, and my other game got me a little bored - I was making good money off of it so I just grind on just to earn more.

In my first weeks when I learned to play Splinterlands I was soon addicted, and even got a second account, and a account for my kids too! Because the other game I was playing earned me some free cash, I decided to go all-in with this and upgraded my account some more and I became a Silver League player with my two accounts, I remember earning a Legendary reward card out of the chests I got from battles, worth $70 at that time, OMG!!!

I did made some friends in my previous game, friends that started a web 3 guild to unite crypto enthusiasts and gamers, covering multiple games and we started our own Splinterlands guild, with many of the original players still here to this date!

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So much to do!

So as time went on, Splinterlands transformed from just a game to become a part of my life really with not only playing my ranked battles, my I also got to run the Splinterlands part of my guild on Discord and in-game, managing, recruiting new players and helping them where I can but advice and card delegations.

And this wasn't all, the team made two blogging challenges every week, just like this one to spread the excitement to the rest of the world and have the chance to earn a little extra for the writers at the same time - a free way to grow your Splinterlands account!

So I ended up starting the day with claiming my chests I earned the previous day, went to work and did everything else Splinterlands related when I got home, ranked battles, guild brawls, finding new cards to buy on the market and managing my deck, making more blog posts, buying some land plots and the cards needed to work these lands, and after - harvesting the lands every few days... It's quite busy being a Splinterlands player, and I'm not even anywhere near the top, the big guys have a lot more cards and land plots.

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Accomplishments and battles fought...


In the 33 months playing Splinterlands, I've grown from a low bronze to a high gold player, I fought 22.435 battles in this time, stunning!! and this is only my main account, with my alt account combined, I have well passed the 30.000 battles manually fought. My win rate in Modern and Wild is pretty consistent, 58% in Modern and 59% in Wild league.

Can I get rich, playing Splinterlands?

Well in my opinion, this shouldn't be your focus in any web3 or play2earn game and it's certainly not a get rich quick thing.
Without fun, you won't last for multiple years and in normal games you only put time and money in to it and don't ever see anything back - I wish I could have earned something for all the kills I had in my time I played games like Call of Duty 😁.
With my battles, brawls and tournaments I estimate I earn about 100 SPS every week, at today's price that's 'only' $1.20 but SPS being a crypto and Splinterlands having a bright future I am not even interested in selling at these low prices, imagine the SPS price getting to 10 or 20 cents, or even 50 cents - it was once over 1 US Dollar! And I have accumulated well over 40.000 in my time in Splinterlands 🤑

It's party time!!!

And so here we are, to last 6 years in web 3 is a big accomplishment, and we have (had) our challenges for sure, but the most important thing is the game is fun, and to me looks very promising, I'm a splinterlands player for almost three years already, and I could never imagine a game could become this big for me, and so much fun!

So now Splinterlands is celebrating its 6 year anniversary with a nice campaign on X / Twitter, making multiple posts a day with a give away to earn Rebellion Packs, and soon a BIG tournament for everyone, yes, you too!
Small accounts have a chance too, because all participants have access to a max level ghost card deck to fight the tournament with!

1st place walks away with 1 million DEC!! with DEC back at peg, this is $1 million 🤑



Is it a good time to start?

Now more than ever I would say, with asset prices at a low the financial risk to start is very small, it's a good way to slowly dip your toe in the world of splinterlands but be careful, before you know it you get sucked in to it and three years later you're making posts like these to further build your deck with! 😆
When you're thinking about getting started let me know, we've made a second guild for new players to guide them and help where I can, and when you use my referral link to sign up I'll send you the reward I get for your signup to help you get started!
Also, come say hi in our guilds Discord server and I'll answer any questions you might have.

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Thank you for reading!!!

If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up, I'll happily send the amount I get for your signup back to you in DEC or SPS to help you start.

Have a great day!

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This post has been supported by @Splinterboost with a 12% upvote! Delagate HP to Splinterboost to Earn Daily HIVE rewards for supporting the @Splinterlands community!

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Are you looking for Tier 5 brawl guild? THE GUILD OF NEOXIAN looking for brawl players who have good win ratio on brawls. If you are interested then join our Discord & Let our Guild officer xawi know that you are interested for guild brawl participation and Also Don't Forgot to Checkout our BDVoter Daily Hive Showcase & Participate into our Daily giveaway to win various prize. Best of Luck 😉




Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121