Splinterlands: The Baron's bounty Bitcoin Halving Event!

in #splinterlandslast month


Hello everyone, it's time to make another Splinterlands blog post for this weeks Splinterlands Social Media Challenge, and just like last week, the theme is the Bitcoin Halving Event that is still going on with at the time of writing a whopping 194k DEC is burned, which is $164.000 at current market price!
To find out how you can participate in the challenge yourself, you can find the Splinterlands post here.


When the event started, the Bitcoin Halving was just about to happen, now we're a week in the event, the halving was 6 days ago, cutting the block reward the miners are getting in half, from 6.5BTC to 3.25BTC driving the price up in the medium and long term, because even with the same demand, the supply is halved. With crypto getting more and more adoption and even institutional investors being able to buy BTC in the form of ETF's I think we have a nice future ahead for everyone holding bitcoin.


But first...What Is Splinterlands?

So, for people who don't know, Splinterlands is an online collectible card game using blockchain technology. Every card in the game is owned as a NFT and is traded on the Hive blockchain. It's the digital, modern version of Magic: The Gathering with some extra advantages like it's much easier to rent out cards to other players for profit, join tournaments and Guild Brawls.

Cards are available to buy and sell through the ingame marketplace as well as on third-party online marketplaces like Peakmonsters and Monstermarket. Winners can earn real money in the form of Splinterlands own governance token Splinterlands Shards (SPS), making it a lucrative platform for extremely skilled players with the best cards.

With your card set you battle other players, each card has it's own mana value, strengths and abilities and every battle has another mana cap and different rule set, in the higher leagues up to 3 rulesets combined, so if you can wrap your head around the do's and don't in this particular match better than your opponent does, you'll have an advantage already, making it a highly strategic game.


The Baron's Bounty Bitcoin Halving Promo Event!

Well that's enough smalltalk, let's get on with todays main topic, for - at the time of writing this - only 6 more days we can buy the two new Promo cards, Baron Fyatt and Henchling Enforcer.


Baron Fyatt is a Legendary monster which can be used in both the Fire and Death splinters, with a price of 31.25K DEC, or at current DEC price $27.15 per BCX.


Henchling Enforcer is a Rare monster which can be used in both the Water and Life splinters, with a price of 3.125K DEC or $2.71 per BCX.

You can get a roughly 50% discount when you use vouchers to buy the cards.

On top of that, the Splinterlands team offers additional prizes close to $100K at current market price!

The Splinterlands team is providing the following prizes from its own wallets for the event (nearly $100k worth at current market prices):

500 PLOT tokens
100 Alpha packs
250 Beta packs
500 Untamed Packs
50 Essence Orb Packs
100 Azmare Dice Packs
20 Runi NFTs


Personally, I'm not participating in the event in a big way, as I only bought 1 BCX of the Henchling, not because the cards are bad, but there are SO MANY opportunities in the Splinterverse at the moment, very good card prices are low, SPS being low so we have to make choices, we just can't have it all!
So I bought the Halfling Alchemist too, instead of the new halving cards, it was long outside my price zone to buy, and now it's under $4!

In hindsight, I would have been better off not participating at all and waited for the top players to dump their regular foils on the market, because at the moment the Henchling is selling for $1.25 per BCX!


Now prices in general are this low, it might be a good time to start! Splinterlands is by no means a get rich quick game like many of the new hyped web3 games are being used for but personally I'm here for enjoying the gameplay every day for over 2.5 years already, managing two guilds and working on upgrading my deck ever since.
Let me know in the comment if you consider starting, and I'll help you with some nice cards to start your journey, as well as some advice where it's needed.

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Thank you for reading!!!

If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up, I'll happily send the amount I get for your signup back to you in DEC or SPS to help you start.

Have a great day!

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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121