Splinterlands: The joy of playing (a higher level deck)

in #splinterlands β€’ 2 months ago


Good evening fellow Splinterfans! Again, I'm a little early with making my first post for this week, since I have some things to do tomorrow I thought why not start early!
Welcome back to my Splinterlands blog, where I will be talking about my favorite game at least twice a week, for the last two years already now, this weeks Social Media Challenge is the same as last weeks so that's cool since it gives us some freedom to make what we want!

πŸ”₯ Share Your Most Remarkable Splinterlands Moments: Do you possess a battle of epic proportions that deserves to be seen by all? Have you crafted something extraordinary within the Splinterlands realm? Maybe you've got profound thoughts, insights, or strategies related to stats, cards, abilities, or gameplay that are waiting to be shared? We want it all, and we want it to be nothing short of AMAZING!

I've made a post two weeks ago I'm upgrading my deck to Gold level, and it is a lot of work, deciding which cards I really need and to what level I want to bring them, what it will cost me and making a wishlist for later, since that post my deck again has become a lot stronger, I now have a healing Baakjira and I got my Possibilus and Grandmaster Rathe both from level 2 to 3, which means doubling the BCX I owned from 3 to 6 BCX, good thing my posts generate a nice income to put in to my deck and also I sold an old PC I still had, doing nothing, so a little extra funds again!

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And there's so much to do in the Splinterverse, sometimes, I literally dream about it... 🀣
Last week, I won the Splinterlands X / Twitter giveaway for two Rebellion packs, and I got a few nice pulls out of it!


I don't own a lot of Rebellion cards since they're not the cheapest, but I already owned the two epics and legendary I got from the packs, so I put them up for sale and got a little over $10 for the three combined, to buy other cards with, choices... always so many choices in Splinterlands!
As you can see I've been pretty busy, and this is only from bid buys on peakmonsters, some cards I just buy straight from the market at monstermarket to get the 60% DEC fee refund and save same money this way..
At the moment, I'm trying to buy more Cruel Sethropods and Xenith Monks to level them up.


Ranked play overhaul

So, two weeks ago now we had the new ranked system going live which changed a lot! For me this meant I played 95% of my matches in Wild League, since Modern is VERY hard now with a lot of max level decks in low Silver rating and with Wild League you can just use more cards which equals to more fun, I don't mind earning less SPS, and with a better win rate than in Modern this also makes up for it....

The biggest changes for me was the ability to finally play with you full level deck at lower leagues, and we couldn't decline a league advancement now, and since it's a lot of fun playing my new deck I was just grinding my battles, and climbed higher and higher into Wild Gold League, and it caught me a little by surprise yesterday when I got this screen:


CRAP! that wasn't supposed to happen! πŸ˜„
I mean.. I'm still getting used to all my new cards with all these new abilities, and I was only playing for a few weeks in Gold, and now already to Diamond WTF πŸ˜…
I don't nearly have enough SPS staked, 'only' about 37K so I'm not getting full rewards, but it is what it is I guess, the most important thing is it still was fun, and you need fun to keep going for longer periods of time, not a lot of games have kept me attracted for over 2 years already.

So tonight, I just started grinding my ranked battles again, winning some, losing some but the RP rewards were not that bad, and I still got to 4 chests pretty easy, I NEVER received Diamond chests before 😍 and I won't be able to open them until tomorrow morning but I'm excited to do so already 😁


Sharing a battle

So, what's a Splinterlands post without a battle right!? So I saved one with my fancy new deck, one of the few matches I did in Modern this season...

The battle I saved to share with you for this post is a high mana battle of 50, with the Broken Arrows / Target Practice ruleset, with the Fire and Water splinters locked out. With archers locked out, the most obvious play would be to play a strong magic team, so I wanted to make a team to counter this, of course when my opponent has the same strategy, and for example chooses Immortalis, I'm in trouble but every team has it's weaknesses, and Rathe's nemesis is Immortalis with the Shatter ability, let's just assume we're going to get Obsidian or a magic heavy Death team, my strategy is going to be to use Taunt with double Triage, and use lookout to further mitigate the incoming damage to my taunt so hopefully I am able to out heal all incoming damage and slowly kill off the other team.

First look at the battlefield:


Obsidian it is, but wow, a max level Obsidian... 'be careful what you wish for' comes to my mind lol! πŸ˜…
Looking at the name this could very well be a bot, a human player wouldn't be without a guild I would think, good thing it's not a full max level deck, the affliction from Goblin Psychic could get me in trouble though...

My Line-Up:

  • Summoner: Grandmaster Rathe - reason: Magic counter / Void Armor
  • First position: Uriel the Purifier - reason: Good damage, high HP and armor, the recharge sucks though...
  • Second position: Djinn Renova - reason: Good magic damage, Triage.
  • Third position: Adelaide Brightwing - reason: Repair / Resurrect.
  • Fourth position: Spirit Hoarder - reason: My second Triage unit.
  • Fifth position: Thanalorian Archer - reason: Lookout.
  • Sixth position: Iziar - reason: The star for this battle, Taunt with Void.

The Battle:


Round 1: Not a lot happened just yet, I first need to eat trough the enemy taunt's HP, so far, my strategy works great, let's hope that Affliction doesn't land in the first three or so turns...


Round 2: First kill! Slipspawn is a gonner, Iziar has been poisoned though, but I think I can heal the poison damage too...


Round 3: The Psychic has been killed which is great, because it was the only threat to my strategy, now it's decided, this is going to be a win for sure, just a matter of time.


Round 4: With the Silence gone, my team is back to full magic damage, and without any magic monsters on the other team, my full team is now firing on the tank, so he won't last long now.


Round 5: Almost done...


Round 6: Only one left, and my entire team is standing with full health πŸ˜ƒ


It's a win! not a lot of SPS for Modern, but it's still very low rating, there's A LOT of difference between Modern and Wild now, I haven't tried very hard since it's a waste of energy but I can't even reach Silver 1, and in Wild, I've reached Diamond 😡

You can watch the battle unfold for yourself here.

Well that's it for tonight, I'll get to the Battle Mage Secrets Challenge tomorrow!

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Thank you for reading!!!

If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up, I'll happily send the amount I get for your signup back to you in DEC or SPS to help you start.

Have a great day!

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Sources: For my thumbnail I used a background from @golemoverlord, when you're not playing this game as a splinterlands player, you're missing out!
I made a post with more info about Golem Overlord here.

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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121