
Over-rewarded based on which criteria? I can personally find many posts in the trending "over-rewarded" but that is just my subjective opinion. Do you make use a formal protocol to evaluate what is considered a fair reward based on content quality?

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

Yeah we have certain criteria's but we don't think it's worth pointing them out in this post which is also why we didn't leave a comment to begin with as we thought it would be a bit of a given why the downvote was cast. If you look at rancho's voting activity you can tell how little regard he places onto what he votes, that said if there was a lot of effort and quality behind it and it would be a first time vote on an author or not having landed on the same account in a while (such as you) we would have ignored it but both lack of engagement after trending for a while and there not being that substaintial effort or quality or content in this post we figured a small downvote to remove part of rancho's strength was fitting.