My Pilot Episode of Splinterlands

in #splinterlands3 years ago

Greetings to the community and felow Splinterlands players!

I have been hearing about Splinterlands from quite a few days and finally decided to give it a try. My only regret - not trying it out sooner!

My first few games into Splinterlands and I already purchased the Summoner's Spellbook. I guess that already gives away my enthusiasm for Splinterlands. Nevertheless, I would like to share my experience as a new member of the Splinterlands community.

Not gonna lie, the game almost overwhelmed me a lot of information in the beginning. It was getting hard to keep track of all the stats, the abilities, how it all works and everything. But, bit by bit, I slowly warmed up to everything and that's when the real fun began! I had to go through a lot of cards and strategize before I chose to battle (because, I guess everyone would agree, for a beginner, 3 minutes are just not enough!) only to be let down by the maximum mana count in the beginning of battle (sigh!). Although, I believe that's what makes the game unique and challenging. And who doesn't love a good challenge, right?

Moving forward, I tried experimenting with different elements and different cards. My basic strategy, as Kazik taught in tutorial, was always using a tank with high health and preferably shield ability and then try to get as many reaches or opportunists behind. Sneak cards are a lot of fun to use. It relieving to see the opponent's entire strategy collapse as you start taking out enemies from the behind 😝.

My first daily quest was to win 5 battles with Snipe ability. Quite a useful ability, I must say, since it attacks the enemies from second position ignoring the tank. It got difficult trying to include a snipe in every battle due to mana restrictions but I stuck to Kazik's teachings and used a Fire deck which helped me complete the five wins. Hurray!!!!


As you guys can see above, I passed the quest with flying colors and immediately jumped to bronze league. Looking back, those were some intense battles, not gonna lie. There were times I almost ended up losing. But it was a lot of fun and it certainly helped me gain insights for my future battles. I got a loot chest which gave me a Legendary Potion. Don't really know what that is. I read somewhere that it increases chances of getting Legendary cards, so a good grab, I guess. Although a new card would have been a better bag. Well, not complaining. It was my first chest and I am happy with the results.

Oh and almost forgot, I already gained around 0.1 DEC 🤑. So, good going, I think.
Alright community, that's it for my first experience.
Thanks for reading!
I am off to play more battles. Wish me luck and go easy on me, for I am a newbie 😉.

Just kidding!!! Give it all you got. I am ready!! 😈

See ya folks in Splinterlands!

Here's my Referral link for reference. Thanks in advance!

P.S. - Kazik is the guy who comes in the tutorial and teaches how to play in mobile version.

P.P.S - The guy below is Kazik😆



Hello, @phantom29! This is @anggreklestari from @OCD team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome! However, it would be awesome if you do an introduction post. As a sample of what an intro post is, you can refer to this intro post for reference:

Keeping Up With the Buzz - My Introduction to the Hive Community

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You can tag me @anggreklestari on your intro post then if you have done with it.

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