Splinterlands Battle Theme - Dragons

in #splinterlands3 years ago

Hello Splinterlands fans. Here's my second attempt in using our theme monster for this week: DRAGONS. Hopefully we'll have a more exciting battle with this one.

Challenge Rules

Edition: ANY
Rarity: ANY
Element: DRAGON + ANY

We'll still be using this card in this matchup but with a different lineup:

Edition: Reward
Rarity: Rare
Element: DRAGON + Fire
ABILITIES: Reach at level 1

Battle Ruleset

Mana Limit: 29


Earthquake: Monsters without flight ability will be hit with 2 melee damage after every round ends.


Healed Out: No type of healing is allowed in the battle. So, abilities like Tank Heal, Triage, Heal are rendered useless.

Meet the Team


Summoner: Brighton Bloom

We're going to use this Summoner because of the Flying ability that it adds to all friendly monsters. This negates the battle condition that's applied in this matchup preventing our team from receiving 2 Melee damage every round from Earthquake.

Tank: Living Lava

Since were using a Fire Splinter lineup, this card is definitely my first choice as a tank monster. Its Shield ability reduces damage taken from Melee and Ranged attacks.

Twilight Basilisk

Our featured Dragon card is still in the 2nd position to allow it to attack using it's Reach ability. This is also our backup tank just in case Living Lava bites the dust, we can still protect our damage dealers from attacks.

Creeping Ooze

We're placing this card on the 3rd position to act as an extra damage absorber just in case our two tanks dies before the battle ends. It Slow ability that reduces the Speed of all enemy Monsters gives our monsters the advantage of attacking first at the beginning of each round.

Lava Launcher

This card is our damage dealer. Its 3 Ranged damage can surely kill monsters with low health in one attack. Its Close Range ability can be very useful late game since it can still attack on the 1st position.

Fire Demon

Last but not the least is this card. This is also one of our damage dealers. We're placing it on the last slot aince it has a decent health of 5.

Battle Highlights



Our opponent used Mother Khala as his summoner, adding 1 health to all friendly monters. Round 1 was a steady fight. No one died yet but most of our troops are damaged from attacks.

Our team was able to kill the enemy tank monster and the enemy Furious Chicken by Round 2. Most of our opponent's monsters received 2 Melee damage caused by the Earthquake battle condition.

We were able to kill two enemy monsters on Round 3. Our opponent's team is not looking so good at this point since there are only two enemy monsters remaining while our team is still complete.

One of the remaining monsters received some damage before Round 3 ended. And by Round 4 both enemy monsters died of Earthquake damage, which makes us the winner of this matchup.

The Aftermath

Our team did good in this battle. The Flying ability that Brighton Bloom added to each friendly monster was the key in winning this battle. While our opponent's monsters were slowly dying each round due to Earthquake damage, our team was unharmed and remained complete till the last round.

Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

Our strategy of using Brighton Bloom in this lineup to add the Flying ability to all friendly monsters definitely worked and paved our way to victory.
Lava Launcher should have been placed in the last position since it had more armor.

Do you like DRAGONS? Why or why not?

I like using Brighten Bloom whenever there's an Earthquake battle condition.
And when using a Dragon summoner, I usually use Twilight Basilisk on the 2nd positioned because of its Reach ability.

Till the next battle challenge fellow Splinters. Have a good day!!!

What is Splinterlands?

Splinterlands is a digital, collectible card game built on blockchain technology. It is similar in concept to games like Magic the Gathering and Heartstone where you build up a collection of cards, which all have various different stats and abilities, and use them to battle other players in skill-based matches. By using a blockchain technology, players can buy, sell and trade their digital assets freely just as if they were physical cards, and all transactions are recorded publicly and immutably.

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