Splinterlands Weekly Challenge: Feral Spirit



splinterlands.com lore

Forever caught between dimensions, the Feral Spirits (and all Luminous Beasts) are the result of the Obliteration of Light, a horrible destructive event in which all the living vanished from the surface of Khymeria. These spirits do not hunger or thirst, but their fangs still bite and their claws still slash.



Link to the Battle over on splinterlands.com
Watch on YouTube


The Lineup


Lorna Shine was my pick of summoner for a couple reasons. One because I really hadn't had a chance to use her. And second I felt the Divine Shield ability would be a good start for the rest of my team. And would allow them to get some extra damage protection.

Front Row

The Shieldbearer was a my choice for the front row. It makes a good tank with the Taunt ability, making all enemy monsters attack him. It also doesn't hurt that he has 9 Health, 4 Shield, 2 Damage and 2 Speed. Giving him plenty to absorb all attacks coming his way.


Luminous Eagle was my second choice for it's reach ability as well as the 5 health, 2 Attack and 3 Speed, making this monster a strong one for the second spot.


The star of the post is the Feral Spirit, this would normally be a good spot for the 4 Speed, 1 Attack and 2 Health, being that one of the rules of this match were every monster had sneak I felt it would still be a good place to put this monster.


The Silvershield Assassin is a great choice for any lineup. With 1 Attack, 3 Speed, 5 Health, Sneak and The Double Strike ability, this card can take and give some serious damage.


I had three mana left and forgot that all monsters had sneak, so I threw this one in. It normally does pretty good in any fights.


Being that I didn't have any more mana and couldn't use any neutral monsters the Soul Fiend was a good back of the line monster.


Battle Breakdown

My team was quick to take down my opponents Sixth spot, then soon after took out his Fifth spot. Then my opponent took out my tank which in my mind wasn't a good thing. Quickly after I was able to take out two more of their monsters. They took out my Soul Fiend, but at this point I felt like I was in a good position to win this fight. I was able to do so after I missed him many times and they took out one more of my monsters. It was a good fight with the star of our challenge at the front of the fight, score one for the Feral Spirit.


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Watch me over on Twitch

Thanks to @flauwy for the use of the dividers


The soul fiend at the end with the double attack, great choices!

Thanks for sharing! - @lenonmc21

Good job with the presentation of your battle, plus I liked your full sneak attack strategy.


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