Splinterlands Analysis - The Chaos Legion aftermaths created new game dynamics

in #splinterlands2 years ago

Splinterlands was shaken up down to the core when the Chaos Legion packs were opened. This happened only few weeks after new reward cards were added, in a mission to make the game equally fair for both veterans and new players.

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The new reward cards improved the gameplayand made it more affordable for new players to bulk up on cards and boost them to higher levels. However, I didn't seen many new reward cards integrating into the teams I am fighting against. My opinion is that the new cards improved the gameplay, and created a smoother entry level for beginners. Just check the floor price for some of them and you will see I am right.

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The Phase 2 of the General Sale will unlock two more airdrops, with greater chances with more purchased packs. There are 14 of them that will be unlocked during the Chaos Legion sale events, one more character unlocking after each million packs sold. However, there is no guarantee that buying packs will result in receiving the airdrop.

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The first unlocked character was Doctor Blight, limited to the pre-sale and not available in the packs. Unfortunately I wasn't one of the lucky winners that received this badass Undead card. I hope the gods of random will favor me for the next drops.

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Vouchers are still required for the Phase 2 of the general sale, and the distribution will be boosted in the first 30 days. I currently have 545 SPS staked in-game, which rewards me with 0.193 VOUCHER per day.

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I bought three packs in the presale, with a bit of trading on Hive Engine. I had 2 full vouchers and a bit over half so I had to swap some tokens and buy a share to round up. Opening them was like a mini-event, even if the drop was not amazing. I got two rare cards from the Fire Splinter, the one I use the most so can't complain about it! Not sure how often I will use the Molten Ash Golem, but the Tenyii Striker will definitely be integrated in my NUKE team.

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The reward cards were just a spark compared to the apocalyptical changes brought by the launch of the Chaos Legion. Lots of cards that were free to play, and some summoners, where replaced with Chaos Legion free to play cards. I didn't anticipated this and I was heavy hit by the change.

My top team was OP damage with Malric Inferno as a summoner, Cerberus as the tank and other low mana cards. Half of them where free cards which I didn't had in my portfolio so now I have to find a new combination. Not sure which new free cards will be a game changer, as the Antoid Platoon can't replace Cerberus. The Lava Spider replaced the Fire Beatle so no major change, while the Tenyii Striker looks good enough to be in any team. Nice to see a fine caster for the Fire Splinter, as the Djinn Apprentice looks overpowered for only 5 mana.

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The Water Splinter is my 2nd option when it comes to heavy fighting. Unfortunately I lost the Sea Serpent, which was my main tank for 90% of the team set-ups. Looks like the Diemonshark can be a good replacement, while the Flying Squid and Deeplurker are definitely top choices for high mana battles. The Merdaali Guardian is the new water healers and from what I can see... this splinter received a good boost.

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The Venari Knifer, with Roots ability, got the medal for new tank option, while the Goblin Psychic comes as a more expensive replacement for the Nymph. The Mycelic Slipspawn, the Regal Peryton and the Goblin will be good options when using Obsidian and the +1 Magic Damage boost. The Earth Splinter received a good set of free cards, and none of them are useless.

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I don't play Life to often, and I must admit I change the daily quest when I have to win five battles with this splinter. Not sure about which card can bring improvements, as most of them look pretty bulked up with armor. The one that caught my attention was the Pelacor Arbalest, with 2 times 2 ranged atack. The Chaos Knight looks like a cheap option for a stacked armored tank, while the Sunkai Harvester can be an excellent choice for the 2nd position tank/damage card.

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Death Splinter may soon become my top choice, as Contessa is my only level 3 summoner. With really cheap common cards I can now enhance this team and create something really competitive. I like the Silent Sha-Vi and the Shadow Snitch, which can be a great cards for the NUKE team. The Cursed Windeku looks like the tank I was looking for, even if I am happy with my level 4 Undead Rexx.

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The neutral cards are quite dull... and none of this will make it in any of my teams. Maybe at higher level things will change but I am talking from the perspective of a noob with level 1 cards.

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Summoners! Let's talk about summoners! All the new free Chaos Legion summoners cost one more mana then the classic ones. I will gladly pay the extra mana for this top combos of abilities. Tarsa replaced Malric Inferno, and for one more mana all my monsters will receive one extra health point ... sounds like a fair deal. Kelya Frendul will boost any Water team and Obsidian will be the starting point for many overpowered spellcasting teams.

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More and more packs are sold daily, which can only be beneficial for casual players like me. The floor price for Chaos Legion cards will go down, making a more affordable market. Lots of cheap cards will create a flurry of transactions which will also be beneficial for the Hive Blockchain. Join Splinterlands and help us fight against the darkness!

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It's funny how the game has moved since the new cards dropped.

Not unexpected but we never really knew which direction things would go as players try to balance their decks with so much choice now.

All i know is that there are great deals to be had in the markets now and there will be a lot lower =prices in a month.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's the thing ... they look so cheap now... but have a feeling will get cheaper once the packs are out for everyone

Thanks for sharing! - @ashikstd

As usual ... thank you for the visit! Happy New Year