Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets - Chimney Stopwall Gets Too Close... And Too Personal

in #splinterlands5 months ago

Greetings Splinterlands Summoners! The classic weekly battle challenge retired to make way for the Battle Mage Secrets series, making it more entertaining. This new set-up adds a focus on dynamic strategies, as players will be able to choose from a greater selection of more diverse units to bring into battle.

Let's enjoy the Up Close And Personal battle-rule, with only units with melee being available for selection. This is the perfect time to use abilities such as Thorns and Demoralize to counter melee attacks, or Shield to reduce it!

There's a catch with this battle-rule, as units with two types of attacks can be used. This leaves place for OP cards like Quora to be integrated into deadly


You know what a spiky dragon, a guy that smoke a lot, ants, and an angry summoner have in common? They all enjoy "Up Close and Personal"!

They say that smoking is bad for your health, but so is facing off against Chimney Wallstop! It gets angry when you get too close... and crazy if you hit his pipe!

The lore says that he lived alone in one of the slums of Azad, the largest city in the Burning Lands. He scraped a living as a trapper, collecting, crafting and selling wares from the creatures he obtained in the open Ashlands!

He always says that “The world is always trying to kill you. Why let it be sneaky about the effort?” It may be expensive, at 10 mana, but this is a wall crusher! He will use the Reach ability to create havoc, and that 5 melee attack will destroy!

Just upgraded my Chimney to level two, and I can only imagine how over powered he will become when will be able to repair his armor on top of that Bloodlust!


I was expecting boosted melee monsters, demoralize and sneak attacks for this one, and decided to play a different tactic! I used Djinn Chwala for the Roots damage, and the mighty Chimney Wallstop as the back-up tank! The other monsters where heavy hitters that could hit behind the tank, plus the Ant Miners for extra health!

Summoner: +1 Speed and +1 Gladiator

Djinn Chwala: Melee with Roots

Chimney Wallstop: Melee with Reach and Bloodlust

Ant Miners: Melee with Scavenger

Serpentine Spy: Melee with Opportunity

Tenyii Strike: Melee with Sneak

Uraeus: Melee with Sneak


I had to battle the ever-angry Tarsa, and a fire team with fiery melee monsters. The Gargoya Lion at the back was a good move, as the flying ability will avoid some of my attacks.

The focus was on my back line, as three enemies had Sneak. The Gargoya Lion was in luck, avoiding the first attack, while his team mascaraed my backline. Not even one round gone and I lost two units, Tenyii Striker and Uraeus couldn't handle the close and personal fury!


Finally some glory... the Serpentine Spy took advantage of the opportunity and took care of the Antoid Platoon! The Radiated Beast took the tanking spot... but not for long! Chimney Wallstop had a swing, and his battle axe and unleashed the bloodlust!

The Serpentine Spy didn't had time to enjoy the glory, as he was targeted by sneaky beasts. The Ant Miners used the Scavenger to boost their health, but it didn't got high enough to survive another round! The ants were crushed after a double combo delivered by Uraues and Tenyii Striker! The army size is getting lower and lower!


It was on fast-forward now, with Djinn Chwala and Chimney Wallstop going wild with the damage! The Tenyii Striker demise was delivered by the djinn, while the head of the sneaky serpent Uraeus was chopped by Chimney and kept as a trophy!

Bloodlust! Then a minute of silence for his djinn friend... then bloodlust again! He took his revenge on the Sand Worm and was time for a last stand! Gladiator versus Gargoya! Who will emerge victorious? See full battle here!


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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121