Splinterlands Gladiator - Smashing and Bashing With My Guild

I am chasing a goal that may look unachievable for a casual Splinterlands player ... to open 100 Chaos Legion packs. It looked like a dream until I started smashing and bashing with my guild.

I am playing Splinterlands for over two years and never done Brawls until December 2022. Not much by choice but because I was guildless. Brawls are large tournaments in which Guilds fight together against other Guilds, so my allegiance to one was mandatory.


Playing in brawls helped me to earn Merits, which I spent on Gladius Cases. This is how I boosted my deck power and started collecting gladiator cards. It's a double win as Gladiator monsters are more powerful then normal cards, but are SoulBound. This cards can be played only in brawls, and can't be traded, delegated, rented, or sold.

Only one Gladiator card can be selected for a battle, but is no limit of the number of Gladius Cases that can be purchased in the Guild Store. The normal potions don't work for Gladius Cases, but they count towards the Collection Power score. All the 32 Gladius card have the Bloodlust ability, earning +1 to all initially non-zero stats per defeated opponent.


I constantly upgraded my deck and the daily rewards are sometimes full of unexpected treasures. In the last two years I managed to get a decent pack, and get some gold foils on the way! The gladiator golden foil are extremely powerful, easily changing the outcome of a battle.


The issue I am facing with gold foil cards is the crazy price. From the above monsters, I only managed to upgrade the Pelacor Conjurer. I don't play much with the Life Splinter, but I needed only one more card to upgrade it. I hit the market and enhanced the conjurer to level 4, gaining Magic Reflection.


I opened another Gladius Case, hoping for more gold foil cards, and all I got was Liza Fox! She's a short woman, but very muscular, armed with many blades and weapons. Not joking but the Witch of Warwick is the most casual drop in this packs!


I visited the Guild Store after few good brawls, and spent 4000 merits on two Gladius Cases. Only guild members can shop this type of packs, at 2000 merits each. The packs and cards are soulbound, and can't be traded or borrowed.


Told you that the Witch of Warwick is everywhere ... almost in every case. I now have a level 2 with 6/9 in my deck, and making her stronger every week!

The VIP of the pack was Marisol Contuma, an epic Life unit with Reach. She reached the rank of Knight of the Silver Shield and become a mighty warrior that can overpower orcs and ogress in melee battles.


... and it went even better as I unwrapped the next Gladius Case! Blinding light came out .... with legendary sunshine from Sola Ranjell! She came to the Splinterlands on the brightest night of the year ... the alignment of moons. Her powers are amplified by the two-bladed staff with burning light.


I said above that only one Gladiator card can be selected for a battle, but sometimes players can use an extra one. The new souldbound summoners have a new ability that allows the user to select another gladiator card. The ability can be used outside brawls, but 6 mana can be a bit too costly.


The spring is here, and my gladiator deck bloomed as well. I now have 23 cards, including one golden foil Bertrol Gobson. I started upgrading the cards, and some level 2 are now battle ready.


I wanted to smash and bash outside the brawls, and joined my first tournament. The Summoners' Training event game me the chance to practice new battle tactics. I paid 9 $DEC to join and fought for top prizes, up to 1000 $DEC.


I got 9 wins and qualified in the second round, where it got more difficult. Was a good experience, and finishing 29th was a bonus. I received 10 $DEC as a prize, and learned that a powerful deck can take you places! How you train to be better?


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Nice to see this, happy for you.

Bam Bam ... Brawl Glory!

Mom are we pyromaniacs?
Yes we arson.

Credit: reddit
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you got the legendary life and quora?

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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

It's a pity you didn't jump into my guild. I'm always looking for a few good players and it has a lot of familiar faces from Leo and hive. If you ever get the urge to swap let me know.

Other than that it's a great way to fill out your deck, especially with the new rulesets.

I think they can make guild s a lot better going forward but they are ea fun addition.

Didn't knew you had a guild and looking for players. I was guildless for about one year :D

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