Brawl Report #13 - Marisol Contuma

in #splinterlands2 years ago


Alright, and this is another season of Brawl! This season, we clinched the podium again and ranked 2nd. Though I am a really greedy fella and am eyeing for the 1st, but I guess this is actually really good results by the team!


Now this season, I did not perform as well and only manage to clinch 12 points. I must say, the opponents are getting increasingly stronger. We used to be the only guild that has Gladiators involved so matches are a breeze. But now, we are starting to see more and more opponents with Gladiators as well! So things are getting tough, really tough!


Now for this week, I am featuring my favourite Gladiator thus far, Marisol Contuma. Trust me, this guy is an absolute beast. I don't recall losing a single match when this guy is in play!

Now just look at his stats, and I think that is enough said. I tend to use this as the 2nd monster so as to maximise it's "Reach" ability. Subsequently, it is a breeze. This monster takes out the enemy's lineup as though it is picking cherries in the orchid. Best of all, with the "Bloodlust" ability it gets stronger practically every turn. It even grows in armour so it literally blocks off all physical attacks every turn.

If you have this Gladiator, you are in luck. It is practically a sure-win Gladiator, insanely over powered!


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