How to Win BIG in Splinterlands!

in #splinterlands3 years ago


I'm Winning by Playing to Earn Money in Splinterlands!

Those of you who play Splinterlands know that our two-week season ended today, and all play across these two weeks would result in rewards! I was excited, but I was also nervous about the results. I wasn't able to push as hard this season because of personal events going on here at home, so I was curious how well things would go for me. As you can see from the title, it was MORE than successful--it's a dream come true!

The Story of how this Splinterlands' Journey All Started

You see, I'm the typical girl, just trying to make my way through life with a smile, and I wanted to give Splinterlands a try a month and a half ago to see if my investment would pay off for me. I've been working to find ways to bring in some extra money, but when you have very little, you must start small and DREAM BIG! After chatting with my friend, I decided maybe Splinterlands could bring a little hope to my life and a little sparkle in my step. 😊 I played on my rosiew account, but I won a legendary card pretty quickly on an alt account I made so I could play when the energy was low on rosiew. I paid that initial $10 for a spellbook for the accounts, but that was it. The account has already been paid off from that card alone, not to mention the wins I've earned from playing daily quests which COST ME NOTHING and the season rewards.

Now for me the next sight I've had is land. I'm a girl with a free spirit; I love the dream of land and what it gives you. I love the freedom to own a piece of something meaningful in life, especially if it's rich in history like so much of Kansas is here. When I heard about land in Splinterlands, I've wanted to own a plot ever since, but I didn't have the money to get it, so I've just worked away, a little every day. I also started blogging here with the dream that if I shared my passion and love for land both in real life and in Splinterlands, perhaps others would share that same passion with me. It's been wonderful, and you all have been so supportive on my journey as a novice SplinterLassie. ;)

How Did I Win?

Well, I couldn't believe it, but when I collected my rewards today, my alt account struck GOLD! It's just like those old gold miners out with their pick axes, working the land to find treasure! I had played just a little, grinding away for some daily quests when I could, and I was at bronze league and that's it. I didn't have time to rent cards this season to increase my power. In fact, I rented my first cards out, and I'm so proud of myself, but that's for another post!

I clicked the chests and it's as if my axe got stuck, because the whole chest shook with excitement and I gasped then held my breath as I watched it open to see what treasure I had found and IT WAS A GOLD LEGENDARY CARD (along with some other amazing cards as well!!)

2021-09-15 (6).png

You guys! When I won this card, it was worth $420!!! I wanted sooo badly to keep it, because it's my first gold legendary card, and I'm quite a sentimental soul like that, but I decided I HAD to sell this card, because it may be the ticket to me getting a plot of LAND!!! I won this card JUST BECAUSE I played some hands over two weeks when I had time. I actually WON THIS card, and I spent NOTHING to get it.

Here are the other cards I won as well!

2021-09-15 (5).png

What did I do? Did I sell it?

Well, I posted it for $415 so that hopefully someone might get it, and I SOLD IT! And you want to know what ELSE happened? Well, of course because the season is ending for all of us, MORE people got that card and wanted to sell it as well, so that brought the price down, and so yes, I MADE MONEY by racing over to sell it as fast as I could.

I will miss the precious Goldie Harklaw, but he was sacrificed for the bigger prize-- LAND! And I'm just SO happy that I did it! It can happen for you too! Now I will wait and watch the land prices, and see when I want to get it. In the meantime, I'm earning SPS for my DEC, and I'm wanting to play Splinterlands even MORE! ANYONE can win! Anyone can play! Please consider it while the new cards are flowing like honey! Thank you so much for reading my post! I hope you enjoyed it, and I truly hope you have also won some amazing rewards as well!

If you enjoyed my post and want to try Splinterlands, please use my referral link:



Damn girl. Nice work. It's been a long time since I pulled a GFL from a chest.
That's most of the way to a plot. They won't hover around the $500 mark forever though. Get in quick :)

Yippeee!! :) Your comment made me laugh/smile so thanks for writing it Matt! I am so excited to get that land! :) I'll be sure to post when I do! :) Hope you're doing well!!

That's awesome! Congrats! Owning land is gonna be great!

Thank you so much and I AGREE! :) Hee hee!

Great catch!

Thank you so much, Paco! :) Hope you got some great rewards as well! :)

Wow. That's a GREAT card! Congrats!

YAY! Thanks so much!!

Land is great too! :)

I am so excited to get it! :) Waiting for the price to drop a little ;)

Wow! That's some great streak of luck your having. Congratulations on all that gold and a legendary gold to boot!

YAY! Thank you so much!! I'm so happy about it, and I will be sure to tell everyone when I get my plot of land! ;) It's very exciting to me! Hope you're doing well! :)

I'm doing very well, thanks for asking! I hope everything is good in your part of the Sunflower State. With your luck at flipping cards, I imagine you'll have that plot of land in no time.

Hee hee! I hope so, Gregory!! :) Have a fantastic weekend!! :)

Congratulations! That really was a bad ass reward. I got the same amount of chests and pulled quite a few cards thankfully but nothing anywhere near that hahaha keep grinding those daily quests!

Thank you so much, Rilo!! And YESSS... those daily quests are totally worth it, aren't they! :) Good luck to grabbing yourself a real treasure!

Great! how I wish I could get some gold foil cards. How much does a land costs?

Quite a bit, nearing 500. I keep hoping the price will drop but it's just not.

what do lands give or its benefits?

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I did get an epic card near the end of last season. I could have sold it for $18 bucks. But sadly I didn't sell it and it's worth way less now. At least I rented it out for a good price for a couple days.

Are new reward cards going to be released again towards the end of this season or did they already release all the new reward cards last season?