Splinterlands Season Rewards: 96 Gold Chests!

in #splinterlandslast year

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After a long time I played Splinterlands regularly during the last season. I did not spend hours everyday but I did spend 10-15 minutes everyday so I could bag 3-4 chests everyday. This was a major improvement from last couple of seasons where I would only play for a while over the weekends.

How was the Rewards Payout this Season?

I got 96 Gold chests this season of which 45 were season rewards and 51 were from the daily rewards. This was sort of an average haul for me as when I am really motivated to play I manage to collect 80-90 diamond chests and when I don’t feel like playing during the season I end up with 20-25 gold chests. In the past when I have got similar chests the rewards have not been too great overall so I was not expecting much. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that I got 2 chaos packs this season. I will keep playing regularly for the following seasons as who doesn’t like free packs being dropped into chests. Also once the chaos pack distribution gets over I am expecting a major pump in their value so it makes sense to collect as many as we can now. After a long time I got many soul-bound summoners as well. I will finally be able to level them up to level 3 so I can use them more frequently. I also got a few gold foil cards and a legendary card so overall the payout was quite nice. I also noticed that the merits I got this season was much more than what I normally get.

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**Will I continue to Play or Rent out my Cards? **

I have been getting a lot of mixed feedback from regular Splinterlands players with many of them renting their cards as they don’t see any value in continue to spend time on playing. This has gone up since the launch of soul-bound cards which can’t be traded or sold in the market. However I continue to collect as many soul bound cards and credits as I can. The credits in turn are used to get Gladius packs so I have been brawling regularly as well. The reason I am bullish on Soulbound NFTs is that they need to be earned by playing hard, they just can’t be bought from the market when you feel like it. I also think Splinterlands is going to reduce the reward rate for soul bound NFTs. Now sometimes I get 6 or 7 of a soul bound card from a single chest which I am sure will be reduced after some time. Another key point to note is that Soulbound summoners let you use a Gladius card which is pretty obvious to be strongest cards as most of them have the Bloodlust ability which has the potential to take out a complete army single handedly. With should bound tokens I feel Splinterlands has tilted the game in favour of Play to Earn players compared to Play to Earn players. Those awesome Gladius cards can’t be bought in the market. They need to be patiently collected and levelled up. Once levelled up they are pretty much unstoppable.

**What is my Outlook on Splinterlands? **

Splinterlands just completed 5 years since its launch. The average life of NFT based game is less than 5 weeks, so comparing to the average in crypto space Splinterlands is like the big grand-daddy of NFT based game which has seen it all. It has survived 5 years of ups and downs and I am confident that this game will get stronger with each year and is going to handsomely reward its players during the next bull run. Currently the SPS price and NFT prices in the market are really low. I am using this as a chance to stock up on more of the cards which I did not manage to get from the packs. That is most of the legendaries unfortunately but at least I am getting them on a discount now.

If for some unexlicable reason you have still not tried the game but are planning to give it a shot then feel free to use my referral link- https://splinterlands.com?ref=sambtc

Cheers, Sam


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