🔥Countess Sinash/Art Contest (ENG/ESP)🔥

in #splinterlands11 months ago

Hello! Long time without passing by; I have been so busy working and being a mom that I had been not time to do something for myself, however, today I made space and the result was this drawing of this legendary card, it is fair and necessary for my peace of mind since, as I had said in some other post, making these fanarts are therapeutic hahaha. I chose her because I thought she was super pretty and she had a very interesting story, I wanted to make her stand out by playing both with the expression on her face and with the colors used. And well, I really don't have much to add, except that I drain a lot of stress in this drawing, I hope you like it as much as I do!


Hola! Tanto tiempo sin pasar por aquí; he estado tan ocupada trabajando y siendo mamá que no me ha dado tiempo de hacer algo para mi, sin embargo, hoy hice un espacio e hice a esta carta legendaria, es justo y necesario para mi paz mental ya que como había dicho en algunos otros post, hacer estos fanarts son terapéuticos hahaha. La elegí a ella porque me pareció super bonita y tenía una historia muy interesante, la quise hacer resaltar jugando tanto con la expresión de su rostro como con los colores utilizados. Y bueno, realmente no tengo mucho que agregar, salvo que drene mucho mucho estrés en este dibujo, espero les guste tanto como a mi hacerlo!



It's always great to see how the sketch is transformed into the final work. One of my favorite things in the world is making lineart, just concentrating on it relaxes me so much.




Siempre es genial ver como el boceto se transforma en la obra final. Una de mis cosas favoritas en el mundo es hacer el lineart, solo concentrarme en ello me relaja muchísimo.








Software: Medibang paint
Time/Tiempo: 8h aprox
Size/Tamaño: 2000x2000px a 300dpi




💖I hope you like it. A hug for everyone and good vibes 💖


💖Espero les guste. Un abrazo para todos y buena vibra 💖

✨✨If you want me to make you a draw, just let me know. I am open for comission without restriction.✨✨


firma transparente.png


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Thanks for sharing! - castleberry#6859