Season 98 Splinterlands Recap and Performance - Last Season Took a Big Down Turn

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The cover numbers don't quite tell the true story. But overall last season was significantly worse than the prior season and even the season before that. I'll have to take a look as season 99 comes to an end in a few days to see where I ended up and what I need to do to turn things around.



From a performance perspective things weren't much different here this season than it last in fact my win-loss ratio increased over my last two seasons. But I did still have a drop in overall chests. It probably has more to do with me choosing to win matches versus push for the daily and forgo the bonus points. I also found myself playing a few of the starter cards where I would normally avoid them just because I thought they'd give me the edge to winning. Looks like I might need to go out and splurge for those few starter untamed cards that I still need.

Season Rewards

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The season rewards took a step back. It's most likely just a return to the average as my gold foil cards were Commons and not rares and epics. I also managed to pull another three chaos legion packs. This time I made smart choice and sold the packs and immediately reinvested the income into some of the legendary cards I've been missing.

At this point potions are almost comical to me because I earned so many that I'll never be able to use. I'm at a point where opening packs and buying packs makes absolutely no sense as the amount of work I need to just complete and upgrade my deck would be so much better off selling these and just spending the cash

SPS down 17% & 28%

My SPS earnings were also down the season. Each season it seems that my SPS earnings from battles drops another 10 to 20%. It's a little disheartening considering how hard I'm working to improve my deck, and I'm not sure if I fully understand if it's because I am out playing my cards, or if the reward pool is getting diluted in silver again by bots. I've also been a bit unlucky this past season with the SPs in chests as it was down nearly 28% from the prior season and over 50% from two seasons ago. I think that is just a result of how wild the RNG can be.


Spirit clearly three big highlights to my seasoned rewards. This is the two common gold foil cards I was able to pull, as well as the three chaos legion packs.

  • GF Pelacor Conjurer is a great card since it can be played at just a one bcx in many instances. Still gives flying high-speed and high health for only two mana.
  • GF Blood Maker another decent one bcx play as it gives a nice speed health combo combination versus other cards.
  • 3 Chaos Pack we're clearly the big winner for me. I sold them off and went out and bought legendaries with what I got as a result. I really wanted to open him but knew that I'd be better off by completing my deck and giving myself more options and better options for the rule sets.

Overall summary

I am struggling a bit although I guess I can't really complain with an earnings of $10 for the two week period, or about $20 a month. While I'll never be able to grow a deck out significantly with play to earn, it's still alive and well. It looks like I'll need significant outside investment if I want to get my deck even up to a competitive bronze deck.

As you can see by the chart below my massive dropping earnings is probably more of a return to average in normal expectations. I think the months that were so much higher we're probably outliers that just happened to come very early in my data set.


I will be interested to see where I end up at the end of the current season, with only two days left I am currently way behind for the 100 silver chests and 20 bronze chests I have opened. I'm getting concerned that if my earnings keep dropping I will no longer be able to continue to upgrade my deck.

I may have to consider giving up the competitive deck until untamed rolls out and into wild format. Then I would only need to have the new cards and the current set I am building out. I'll keep playing it and tracking my results to see what I can change up.


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