Azmare Dice Pack Opening - I Suck at Splinterlands

in #splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

I'll be honest, I suck at Splinterlands. I posted a while back and it's been all downhill from there I hit the Silver leagues and then suffered a rapid descent to the basement of bronze III and have remained stuck there.

I feel bad because I'm involved in the new Pizza guild and as they have grown in the rankings, my performance has lagged behind. I don't think I can cut it as a brawler, but would like to at least stay involved in some way, so this is also an effort to maintain my involvement in a rapidly rising guild. Drop a comment below and I'll send you a slice of the PIZZA token!

After looking at the daily airdrop of SPS and the skyrocketing price of DEC, I decided to take the plunge and buy 20 (+1 bonus) Azmare Dice Packs. This is partly an investment and partly in hopes of making me suck less at winning my Splinterlands matches. I had enough Legendary and Alchemy potions for 15 cards, so I decided to open 3 of the 21 dice packs to see what I'd get. Due to server lags, I wasn't able to get a screenshot of the first pack opening, but did manage to capture the second two.

Azmare Dice Pack #2
Naga Brute = $0.36
Flamesmith = $0.33
Marrow's Ghost = $0.20
Battering Ram = $0.44
Qid Yuff (Rare) = $2.23

Total Value: $3.56

Azmare Dice Pack #3
Marrow's Ghost (lvl 3 Gold) = $5.99
Goblin Dartling = $0.22
Frost Lion = $0.27
Battering Ram = $0.44
Lorna Shine (Rare) = $4.30

Total Value: $11.22

Needless to say, my luck sucks with opening packs too! I'll have to dig up what the odds are of getting a legendary card drop, but alas I did not get one. It doesn't appear from looking at my deck that the first pack I opened produced anything of value either. At the time of purchase, the DEC value of each Azmare Dice Pack was about $23 USD. So this was a terrible waste of money with this streak of bad luck!

I think my next course of action is to spend time learning how to build my battle hands better and actually devise some strategy to gain rank since my beginner's luck has long since run out. Aside from that, I'll just let the dice packs sit there and accumulate extra SPS air drops and maybe sell them off if prices continue to soar in the coming month.