
This is more exciting than any of my previous birthdays have been.

Physical cards?

Very possible but i'll say right now sounds incredibly anti-climatic. They are hyping this one up quite a bit and if that's what it is then it will be a big BUST of news. Not that there is an issue with physical cards but it's just a big let down.

I'm hoping it's about a REAL integrated nft system.
They probably got approached by an NFT chain that has lots and lots of money who wants a use case like splinterlands to try testing on their chain since splinterlands has more transactions than any other crypto game.

They probably got approached by an NFT chain ...

Cardano would be nice. :)

Sounds good, was just a wild guess haven't followed SL in forever

I already have a physical card. :)

That would be cool! They use to do this at events from what I remember?
Has there been anything done since in the physical nature around this?

fluffy toy summoners and edible monsters :)

Physical cards were my first thought at 'get >real<' as well.
What a letdown that would be. :)

I'm sure there are some tabletops and fantasy nerds among us who would love plastering their rooms with physical cards but to me not having to store all of this stuff somewhere (because it's digital) is actually a big plus.

Something to do with lands?

The Splinterlands RTS you teased during one of the Steemfests?

thanks for the mobile app, cooool.
but it will be a great thing if we can SHARE OUR BATTLE or weekly stats with Screenshot directly to our blog.
i think Actifit have this future !

Oh snap, I'm ready!!!

Freaking stoked!


Just to add the the wild speculation with no bases on anything, Splinterlands live action movie? :D

waiting but not overly excited

May be Dec Binance listing

I just saw this post, I shouldve waited for this event before I spent $200 just today :(

No reason to wait for the announcement to buy anything in the game...I think you'll be happy about your purchase when it's revealed :-)

Thanks man! I really appreciate that makes me feel no regret at all. HAHAHAHA anyways I bought the $20 land idk whats that for. also I got this is this really that expensive? image.png

My guess is they're opening up Rexxie world, we can all go and get trampled.

Land claims incoming?!!!!!!!!!!!!