Splinterlands Epic Card Profile - Mermaid Healer

in #splinterlands4 years ago (edited)

The magic of Mer
Is quite good for a cure.

Character_Monster Profile Thumb 73.png

Mermaid Healer

Mermaid Healer_lv6.png

Splinter - ΛZMΛRÉ

Class - Healing Mage

Size - Even though 1 in 3 Mer people have innate magical abilities, only Mer women can learn to be group healers. To do so, they must sacrifice something of themselves. When the power to heal others reaches maturity and a Mermaid becomes a Healer, that Mermaid ceases to grow physically. This is usually considered a small price to pay… Get it?

Lifespan - Another side effect of being a Mermaid Healer is to live slightly longer than your non-healing peers. Most Mer Healers have no extraordinary ability to heal themselves, but they are able to pick up some life energy from others they heal, often adding to their years.

Habitat - Like 90% of Merfolk in the Splinterlands, Mermaid Healers almost all live in the Mertropolis of Poseidar. Becoming a Healer is a difficult task that requires not only innate ability, but years of diligent study. Only the smartest and most capable Mermaids are able to do it, and if they leave the safety of the Mer city, they quickly lose their healing edge.

Weapon - The weapons of a Mermaid Healer are tools, most of them used for tending to Mer injuries. They carry waterproof bandages, tournicates, numbing salves and emergency supplies. Healers rarely see a need to carry an actual weapon, even in tournament battle. They usually feel that to use a weapon is a waste of time that could have been spent healing the team.

Diet - While Mer fishers, wizards and warriors enjoy diets that are incredibly rich in meat, Mermaid Healers are sharpened and enriched by eating a large, specific variety of seaweeds and kelp. Oddly enough, Healers seek out their foods by color, in shallow areas where the light of the sun still reaches. A good Healer meal contains every color of the Mer rainbow (there are 10). Some of the colors (rubonzi, hyord) are difficult to find in nature, even underwater, so Crustacean Kings must be hired to grow them especially for Mermaid consumption.

Allies - The Mermaid Healers are first and foremost allegiant to the Merfolk of Poseidar. It is only through the unity of their people that Mermaid Healers’ abilities have been discovered and nurtured. If there ever came a time of great danger to the whole of ΛZMΛRÉ, Mermaid Healers would join the fight to defend the free Splinter. The ideals for which ΛZMΛRÉ stands are greater than any petty feuds between Uman and Mer, even ones that have gone on for centuries.

Enemies - Water Naga have always hated the Healers of the Mer. The amphibious Naga of ΛZMΛRÉ are a brutal and superstitious people. They believe that when a comrade is injured and can no longer swim, he should be left to die. They believe that if children do not make it on their own, they were not meant to survive. The Naga also see themselves as distant relatives of the Mer, so they are ashamed that their cousins have resorted to such soft magic. Naga raiders sometimes enter Poseidar from beneath in the darkest part of the night to perform what they call healer raids. In these nightmarish raids, the districts where Healers are known to reside are attacked while they sleep. Any Healers found by the Naga raiders are slaughtered, taken, or worse.

Pastimes - Once a Mermaid has dedicated herself to being a Healer, she can think of little else. She is invaded by an unquenchable desire to heal others in the greatest possible capacity. Fortunately, within the Mer magic of Healing, there are plenty of different areas of study and methods of execution. For a Healer to stay sharp in all of them, she must work every day on her craft.


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