Huge Splinterlands Card Opening!!!

Hello everyone it's Mr.Crypto and today i had some extra money so i decided to get some splinterlands chaos legion packs. I got some rare cards as well as some epic cards. Here are the cards that i received in the opening:

chaos pack 1.PNG

chaos pack 2.PNG

chaos pack 3.PNG

chaos pack 4.PNG

I think that's a good bit of cards. I was thinking of using the money from this post and my next post to either purchase more cards or create some nfts to sell. I also will be staking any side tokens i receive from this post. Splinterlands seems to be doing well recently and it's making our cards worth more which i enjoy very much :)

I also have been doing a tiny bit of gambling recently on so if you join and use my link it would help out a lot. I like to play blackjack and win enough hive to invest more in splinterlands and other things. I will post some wins on there soon. Thanks for stopping by and looking at the cards i got.

Yours truly, Mr.Crypto


I recently purchased my first few Chaos Legion packs thanks to a generous Hive Halloween Party Host and I have yet to open them since I hope to earn another voucher or two before that. I hope to have your luck.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yep I don't recommend buying vouchers it's better to earn them.

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