Splinterlands: 300 DEC Daily Giveaway#298(NO UP-VOTE, RE-STEEM, FOLLOW required)

in #splinterlands4 years ago

Lets get this party started ,shall we. We are just two days away from giveaway 300 and you know what that means, another reason to giveaway more stuff. Make sure to stop by on my 300th giveaway for your chance to win one of three 300 DEC giveaways, a booster pack, and more!

Yesterdays Daily double winner of 600 DEC

@cuko, congrats my friend 600 DEC already sent. Go follow her if you are not already doing so, she is great

Yesterdays Daily Double Runner-up of 100 DEC

@comule, Thanks for the positive feed back, its nice to know some people actually read my post. DEC sent!

Today's Give Away

Comment your thoughts on some kind of PvE mode. (I would like a boss mode).

That is all for today. tomorrow I will write up my anytime tournament summery going over the basics along with my thoughts. Have a great day and I will see you tomorrow.


Darkest dungeon type of mode would be dope

thx for the DEC jay, PVE has not much to offer right now. they should roll out adventures i guess, probably give cards away in the process. love winning and love ur giveaways man, congrats for ur 300th. P.S fingers crossed for the upcoming 300th giveaway day.

congrats to the winners

some puzzle mode challenging your composition building skills would be nice.

For PvE mode, you can usually do what you want especially on most online games.

I'd love to see a dungeon crawler for Splinterlands. As rewards we could get a fixed amount of DEC for completion of a daily quest (find and slay the minotaur for 100 DEC).

yeah tha would be awesome and maybe have different level bosses depending on the deck level. they could even use the same type of DEC capture rate for this

There are so many possibilities, do you select a team from your deck for the quest or build a new team for each encounter...how about partnering with other players to complete harder quests. So much potential.

As I have already commented on steemit, this is just for you:

You need to stake more BEER (24 staked BEER allows you to call BEER one time per day)

I will like to farm resources and trade them. A whole new marketplace can emerge.

how would the resources work to increase strength or cards?

it should be other way around, better cards help you to get more resources.

this would give incentive to combined and upgrade your deck, well done

Battle waves against enemies with decks that become stronger

Great Idea, like a horde mode where you see how long your cards last

I'm not sure what PvE mode is ?

its player versus computer

Cool. Thanks