Splinterlands TIPS plus 300 DEC daily Giveaways #374

in #splinterlands4 years ago

Welcome to another Daily DEC giveaway but wait, today is a daily double. I will give away 500 DEC to one random winner and 100 DEC to my favorite comment. What makes a comment my favorite? Depends on my mood. Sometimes it's the quality while other times it could be the simplicity, a pic, or just a weird comment.Today I will be announcing yesterdays winners, followed by today's giveaway and then I will give you a game play tip. Now lets get this party started.

Yesterdays Winner of 250 DEC

@handtalk5 congrats buddy, DEC already sent. How the rental market lately?

Yesterday's Runner-up Winner of 50 DEC

@tsnaks Congrats for the funny answer lolz, enjoy your DEC. "I have absolutely no idea what my first card was

I know it was ALPHA and I know it was from a pack (so my first cards were from my first pack)
I remember the pack included a rare and an epic"

Today's Giveaway

Comment me a question, any question and I will do my best to answer it. The topic is up to you so go wild.

Today's Tip What's your Range

Today's tip will be focused on winning the range only rule set. This allows you to use all range monsters and magic. Typically the most common build will be LORD ARIANTHUS as their tank along with a magic heavy build. What I have found is using LORD ARIANTHUS as your tank is very good but I try to (pending on mana count ) go with damage heavy non magic monsters and one tank healer and one self healer in the number two spot. This negates any splash damage. The tank healer will allow your tank to stay alive a extra round or two which should be enough for your heavy range cards to get the job done. right below here is a good example of a range only set up, For low mana matches thy Loard Arianthus and a high damage archer like

That is all for today, don't forget to check out my other project @monster-burner as we are doing so good things over there. You can also support my by using my affiliate program right here. Stay safe and I will see you tomorrow.


Can you purchase guns in your country 🤠?

!trdo 🙏❤️

It takes about 1 year to get one but you can only get a shotgun and after 10 years with a good record you are eligible for a hunting rifle. It fucking sucks

Wow, thanks for the info. That's crazy. 🤯

How far up on the leaderboard do you usually place during a season?

To ne honest Ive never checked nut I'M 458 champion league 2 ATM.

Ah not bad. Have you ever tried making it to top 50s?

Do you play any other cryptogame than steemmonsters?

Yeah I'm playing Dcity, Dolybread, Piggericks, Drugwars, and cryptodozer. so many games and so little time.

Soon you can live on it.
I have a lot of pigs too. Will go for the bounty this weekend

What is your favorite Splinter.

Earth followed by water and I almost never play death or dragon

What is your favorite soccer, football, Baseball, Icehockey, or whatever-goal-Team.

I like to watch collage football, Washington Huskies

Pretty good actually. I feel like either demand is rising or a lot of big suppliers quit.