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RE: Splinterlands Ranked Reward Changes - Introducing Glint & The Reward Shop!

It seems that the main Web 3 NFT game is becoming less and less NFT every day. First, gladiator cards: not NFTs.

Soulbound cards: also not NFTs.

Now, glint: likewise not NFTs. Things are getting interesting around here.


New NFTs are still there in plenty, Rebellion is in full force!!

Soulbound rewards are a great complimentary addition that make the game more fun.

I like the idea of the rewards shop and the RPG feel this adds as more and more story elements are integrated into the game, same as has been done with conflicts. These creative efforts make the game more intriguing, it will help the new player experience and retention if the day after your first experience you are still thinking about something interesting from the game.

Just some random thoughts!!

"Soulbound rewards are a great complimentary addition"??? Sorry what, an addition? They were a damn subtraction. We used to get tradable rewards that had actual value, which is what we understood when we spent thousands of dollars on cards, only for them to move the goalposts and say sorry guys now you can only have worthless cards that you can't trade. An addition? And "complimentary"? gtf outta here those rewards were earned through paying thousands for a damn deck

That is actually a good point. The promise of the game and their founders (including Matt) in the first years was, to offer a decentralized game, wher you own the assets. In addition there is a free market and value determined by this approach.

We have completely lost that path. The company makes changes more and more in the ecosystem, trying to fix the unfixable. And losing it´s core and unique selling point.