Are Diamond/Champions rewards terrible?

in #splinterlandslast year


Welcome to another post discussing rewards, particularly EOS rewards, in the context of my gaming experience. For those who may not be familiar with my gaming journey, I consider myself a dedicated player in the Diamond League, with my primary focus being on obtaining the coveted Champion EOS chests. Throughout the season, I spend around 90% of my time competing in the highly competitive Diamond League. However, during the final stretch of the season, I occasionally manage to ascend to the ranks of Champion III, and if luck is on my side, even Champion II.

To maintain my progress and ensure I remain competitive, I rely on the assistance of XBOT to manage my account. Given my hectic schedule, it's difficult for me to dedicate one hour or more every day solely to gameplay. Nevertheless, whenever I find the opportunity, I make it a point to immerse myself in the game, as it truly brings me joy. Undeniably, the enjoyment intensifies when I emerge victorious.

Now, let's delve deeper into the subject of rewards and examine how much I have earned in the most recent season. Stay tuned as I unravel the exciting details of my earnings and provide insights into the dynamic world of EOS rewards.


Diamond/Champion Season 113 Rewards
53 Champion chests + 93 Diamond chests

Common: 197
Common GF: 19
Rare: 21
Rare GF: 0
Epic: 5
Epic GF: 0
Legendary: 2
Legendary GF: 3

Battle SPS: 273
Reward SPS: 427
Packs: 5
Merits: 6333
Legendary Potions: 363
Gold Potions: 357

I must express my dissatisfaction with the current state of rewards. It appears that my earnings for the 113th Season amounted to a mere $17.8 USD. However, it's important to note that this figure does not encompass the value of individual cards. In particular, the three Gold Foil (GF) Legendary cards I obtained possess considerable worth. While I estimate these cards could potentially fetch around $300 USD if I were able to sell them, unfortunately, they remain bound within the game, rendering my funds inaccessible for the time being.

On a positive note, I find solace in the number of Common cards I acquired, totaling 197 cards, which corresponds to approximately half of the maximum level of a common card. Yet, when it comes to Rare and Epic cards, the situation takes a drastic turn for the worse. To reach the maximum level of a rare card, one must accumulate 115 BCX, yet I only managed to obtain 21 copies, a mere 18% of a card. This discrepancy can only be described as a disaster.

But hold on, the situation further deteriorates. My collection of Epic cards is alarmingly deficient, with a meager count of only 5 cards. To achieve the maximum level of an Epic card, one needs 46 BCX. Given that I acquired a paltry 10% of an Epic card this season, it implies that I would need to endure 10 Seasons of gameplay to fully upgrade just one Epic card. Considering there are a total of 7 Epic cards, the math becomes disheartening: 70 Seasons multiplied by an average duration of 14 days per season results in a staggering 980 days. In essence, it would take me two and a half years, assuming I encounter no duplicate cards, to maximize my Epic card collection.

I understand that some might question my grievances, suggesting that I possess a substantial number of cards and should be content. However, it's crucial to remember that I have invested over $4000 USD into this game and competed in the Diamond/Champion League, where rewards should be significantly more substantial.

Now, let's shift our attention to my Silver account for comparative analysis.

Bronze/Silver Season 113 Rewards
179 Silver chests

Common: 90
Common GF: 1
Rare: 17
Rare GF: 0
Epic: 2
Epic GF: 0
Legendary: 1
Legendary GF: 0

Battle SPS: 89
Reward SPS: 35
Packs: 0
Merits: 531
Legendary Potions: 58
Gold Potions: 30

Allow me to expand further on the comparison between my Silver account and my Diamond/Champion account, shedding light on the stark disparity in their respective worth. My Silver account holds an estimated value of $117 USD. In stark contrast, my Diamond/Champion account currently boasts a valuation of approximately $2000 USD.

Now, if we delve into the numbers and calculations, the difference becomes even more disheartening. By extrapolating the value of my Silver account, I could potentially manage around 17 Silver accounts, each contributing to a significantly higher accumulation of rewards. In other words, I could amass over 1500 Common cards and more than 290 Rare cards, among other rewards, across these accounts. Comparatively, my high-ranking Diamond/Champion account falls drastically short in terms of reward acquisition.

This realization evokes a sense of sadness, as it directly contradicts the notion we were led to believe—that playing in the highest leagues would yield substantial benefits. Unfortunately, the reality is far from what was promised.

Now, I would greatly appreciate hearing your thoughts and insights regarding EOS rewards. Feel free to share your perspectives on this matter.


This presents an opportune moment to strategically acquire new cards and revitalize your deck. It is essential to exercise caution, as the influx of new players can potentially lead to heightened demand and subsequent price fluctuations within the market. For those who have not yet embarked on their Splinterlands journey, now is an ideal juncture to seize the benefits of acquiring exceptional cards at special prices. I invite you to join the Splinterlands Discord community, where you can gather further insights and delve deeper into this captivating realm of gameplay.

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If you are new here

Splinterlands is an exceptional NFT trading card game that operates on the play-to-earn model. For newcomers, this implies that engaging in the game not only offers an immersive and enjoyable experience but also presents an opportunity to generate income through the acquisition of SPS. If you have yet to create an account, I highly recommend registering using my referral link. In doing so, kindly reach out to me via direct message, and upon confirming your presence on my referral list, I will gladly provide you with 100 DEC to facilitate your initial foray into the game.

Have fun and see you on the battlefield.



It's interesting to see your analysis of return from silver vs diamond account. I think that the number of players has decreased a lot lately, also because you kind of need archmage or xbot to be competitive. People with low value accounts, probably didn't invest into these bots and many stopped playing. People with high value accounts that can compete in diamond or champion on the other side have too much money invested to simply give up. This means that more people are competing for a similar reward pools in diamond. In silver there is a smaller reward pool but it seems there are also less people competing for it... Well maybe I'm wrong lol

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I don't have a problem with SPS Reward Pools even though you do have a point. I am earning avg 0.5 SPS per win in Silver while it is 1.5 in Diamond.

I have a problem with reward cards in Diamond/Champion that are simply too low.

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Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar