My first maxed-out soulbound card, status and market predictions

in #splinterlands7 months ago


Fellow Splinterands players/summoners,

here I am with another post on this amazing game. This time I will be writing about reward cards and how many I managed to acquire since that big change in reward hit our game.

As you all know it is not easy to get new cards and it is certainly not easy to max out any of these cards. I managed to do just that. I maxed out my first card and it is Helios Matriarch, a Dragon summoner if you ask me that is the best CL reward summoner so from that perspective I am very happy. Another summoner that I really want to max out is Franz Ruffmane, a Life Splinter summoner which is really good. I am a little bit surprised because I expected that some of the common cards would be the first ones that I would max out but instead, it was a summoner.


Even though my first card is maxed out the journey to max all reward cards is very long and here is my current status:

Common cards

Ferox Defender
Regular: 370/400 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 19/38

Regular: 343/400 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 15/38

Coastal Sentry
Regular: 340/400 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 30/38

Swamp Spitter
Regular: 348/400 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 3/38

Fungus Flinger
Regular: 344/400 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 17/38

Terraceous Grunt
Regular: 340/400 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 13/38

Imperial Knight
Regular: 361/400 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 13/38

Drybone Barbarian
Regular: 338/400 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 30/38

Possessed Puppet
Regular: 320/400 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 13/38

Willy Coyotian
Regular: 372/400 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 15/38

Dumacke Orc
Regular: 354/400 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 14/38

Gobson Bomber
Regular: 333/400 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 20/38

Rare cards

Eternan Brune
Regular: 74/115 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 0/22

Pyrewatch Devil
Regular: 75/115 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 7/22

Pembrook Nymph
Regular: 88/115 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 5/22

Riverboat Captain
Regular: 59/115 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 1/22

Lobb Lowland
Regular: 71/115 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 7/22

Madcap Magus
Regular: 56/115 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 0/38

Franz Ruffmane
Regular: 68/115 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 2/22

*War Pegasus
Regular: 83/115 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 11/22

Octavia Shadowmeld
Regular: 76/115 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 2/22

Rawenhood Warden - amazing card and I don't know how I don't have even 50% yet :(
Regular: 48/115 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 9/22

Helios Matriarch
Regular: 115/115 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 7/22

Venari Marksrat
Regular: 103/115 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 6/22

Epic cards

Iidri Fyre
Regular: 25/46 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 2/10

Noa the Just
Regular: 24/46 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 5/10

Thane Newsong
Regular: 15/46 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 2/10

Evely Auvera
Regular: 11/46 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 3/10

Regular: 33/46 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 0/10

Kra'a Xoc
Regular: 18/46 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 6/10

Clockwork Aide
Regular: 38/46 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 0/10

Legendary cards

Ferexian Hero
Regular: 6/11 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 2/4

Sorriel the Bale
Regular: 5/11 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 0/4

Kulu Mastermind
Regular: 6/11 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 2/4

SMusa Saline
Regular: 4/11 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 3/4

Ava the Undaunted
Regular: 10/11 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 0/4

Terraceous Hulk
Regular: 5/11 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 0/4

Aves Sturgis
Regular: 5/11 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 2/4

Iziar - really need at least level 3. Cmon RGN :)
Regular: 1/11 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 0/4

Skok Duskblight
Regular: 8/11 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 0/4

Regular: 4/11 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 0/4

Berix Snakeye
Regular: 4/11 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 0/4

Drybone Raider
Regular: 4/11 - 30 Cards needed
GF: 0/4


In summary, regular common cards are at 87% while GF common cards are at 44%. When we are talking about rare cards I have 66% of regular and 20% of gold collection. Epic cards are maybe the worst part of this collection, with regular cards I am sitting at only 51% and 26% for GF. Legendary cards may seem worse when we look at numbers, but with each card, there is a very big step towards progress and the numbers are 47% for regular and 19% for GF.

With these numbers in mind, I think that 3-4 months of regular playing will be needed in order to max out all souldbound cards. With each new card maxed out, it will be harder to get specific cards that I am missing so it might take a while. That is why I am hoping that Mat will soon give us the opportunity to unlock soulbound cards for buying/selling.

My predictions about soulbound card prices

Once soulbound cards are available for sale we will first have to unlock them by paying a fee in DEC. This will affect the overall price of the cards in a few ways:

  1. Players won't unlock cards if they really don't have to
  2. Supply of soulbound cards on the market will be lower
  3. With Land coming out players will pay smaller fees in order to stake soulbound cards on the land

All these factors will count towards the price of the CL soulbound cards. And there is one more factor and maybe the biggest, soulbound cards are really good, and it is hard to be competitive in the Modern Diamond and Champion leagues without these cards.

Based on everything that I said these are the prices I am hoping for:

Common cards
I think that most of the cards will be in the 0.035 USD to 0.070 range, depending on the quality. Cards like Ferox Defender, Swamp Spitter, Fungus Flinger, and Dumacke Orc could be more expensive while the rest of the cards could be in that lower range.

When talking about GF versions I believe that cards should be in the range of 0.8 USD per BCX to 2 USD per BCX, once again based on the quality of the card.

This means the cheapest regular maxed-out card would go for 14 USD while the most expensive would be around 28 USD. When talking about GF cards that would be from 30 USD to around 76 USD.

Rare cards

When talking about rare cards we have a very difficult situation. We have summoners there which are not that good unless you have Gladiator cards. The best summoners are definitely Helios Matriarch and Franz Ruffmane. In that league, we can certainly add cards like Ravenhood Warden, Venari Marksrat, and War Pegasus. I think that it is safe to expect prices from 1 USD per BCX to 2 USD per BCX. For the rest of the rare cards, I don't see that prices would go over 0.5 USD per BCX.

When talking about GF versions I think that we are talking about prices between 6-7 USD per BCX for the better cards and about 3-4 USD per BCX for these cards that are not so good.

Epic cards

All soulbound epic cards are amazing and you want all of them in your deck. Now these cards are also good for staking on the land. This means that prices on these cards could be huge. I think that two cards really stand out and those are Iidri Fyre and Noa the Just. I think that a price tag of 7 USD per BCX is not too much for these two cards. Rest could go for about 3 USD to 4 USD per BCX.

Now if we are talking about GF versions of these cards I would say that you should be able to get most of these cards for under 10 USD with the exception of Noa and IIdri when prices could be higher than 15 USD per BCX.

Legendary cards

Legendary cards are really tricky as they could be staked and some of these cards are very good so it is really hard to guess what will happen. Like with other rarities we have 2 tiers of cards here as well. Some cards that stand out are Kulu Mastermind, Musa Saline, Iziar, and Drybone Raider. The price for these cards could easily be around 20 USD per BCX. For the weaker tier, I would say that a price of around 7 USD per BCX is reasonable.

When we are talking about GF cards, I would say that we will not see legendary cards below 60 USD per BCX while better cards could sell for about 100-120 USD per BCX.

In the end, I was really enjoying while I was writing these predictions and I am planning to do it more often. Maybe I will help someone but if nothing else, when soulbound cards will be tradable I will have a chance to take a look back and see if I was even close with my predictions.

With that in mind make sure to do your own research as these are just my predictions based on the current market status. This is not financial advice! Please, do your own research!


This presents an opportune moment to strategically acquire new cards and revitalize your deck. It is essential to exercise caution, as the influx of new players can potentially lead to heightened demand and subsequent price fluctuations within the market. For those who have not yet embarked on their Splinterlands journey, now is an ideal juncture to seize the benefits of acquiring exceptional cards at special prices. I invite you to join the Splinterlands Discord community, where you can gather further insights and delve deeper into this captivating realm of gameplay.

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If you are new here

Splinterlands is an exceptional NFT trading card game that operates on the play-to-earn model. For newcomers, this implies that engaging in the game not only offers an immersive and enjoyable experience but also presents an opportunity to generate income through the acquisition of SPS. If you have yet to create an account, I highly recommend registering using my referral link. In doing so, kindly reach out to me via direct message, and upon confirming your presence on my referral list, I will gladly provide you with 100 DEC to facilitate your initial foray into the game.

Have fun and see you on the battlefield.



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