What Rebelion cards to pick for the Bronze league?

in #splinterlands9 months ago

Rebellion 2.jpg

Hi, fellow summoners!

In this article, we will explore the new cards in the Rebellion set that could be a good fit for your Bronze decks. Rebellion is a great set but with the current prices we should pick cards very carefully. The Chaos Legion set is still here and it is a set that should be used as a core for your deck building.

With that being said if you still don't have key cards from Chaos Legion or Riftwatchers it would be best to first revisit these sets. But if you are happy with your current deck and want something that will improve your deck then Rebellion is the right place where to look.

Let's start with the most important cards - Summoners. There is a lot of innovation in the Rebellion set and summoners are probably the biggest of them all. There are two types of summoners in the Rebellion set:

  • Summoners without abilities that combines two splinters
  • Summoners where you choose abilities once the game is started

Summoners without abilities

I still didn't see any crazy combination of Splinters that would justify investing my money into these summoners. I feel that Chaos Legion and Rift Watcher summoners are way better than combining cards from two splinters. If we talk about prices then these are similar between Common Rebellion summoners and Rare Chaos Legion summoners so that is another plus for Chaos Legion summoners if you ask me. But don't get me wrong, common Rebellion summoners are not bad and I will certainly buy those cards in the future, of course, once the price is acceptable. For now, my suggestion is that you skip these summoners since your money can be spent better in the other areas.

Tactic summoners

Now there is a completely different story with "tactic" summoners. These summoners let you pick one ability that you can give to one or two of your monsters once the game starts. It means that you will see the team your opponent played and you can plan accordingly. As always, some are better then others so this is the list of those I like:

Underboss Fabino - a very interesting card that allows you to give +2 attack to two monsters or Poison to 1 monster. It is very flexible, especially with some Double Strike monsters that Earth team has.
Avina of the Wolf - it gives +2 speed to two of your monsters or Heal to one of your monsters. It goes very well with the Life Splinter theme, especially because Life Splinter is slow and +4 Speed will help there and because Life Splinter has a lot of cards that can benefit through healing.
Akane - surely the best summoner in the Rebellion set so far. It gives the Ambush the ability to two monsters or the Lookout ability to one monster. I like Ambush ability a lot, especially with the Fire team where you can find some really interesting combos.

These cards are not that cheap, for Underboss you will have to give 7.5 USD for a level two copy, for Alvina 16 USD for a level two copy, and around 33 USD for a 1 BCX Akane. It would be best to rent these cards and to try them out like that.

Now let's talk about monsters. It is really hard to pick those monsters that are useful and with decent price but let's try.

Gabalano Soldier - it is an interesting card that has Ambush and Sneak. Decent speed means it could attack at least two times. I would go for at least level two since there it gets additional health making it more tanky. Level two can be bought for 1.9 USD which is probably too much if you ask me, especially for a common card.

Nimbledook Scout - this is an amazing card through all leagues. If you want to play it in the Bronze league I would recommend spending some money and getting level three because that is when it has five-speed and Backfire ability. In the Bronze league that is a lot, especially if you can play it with Conqueror Jacek as it will have seven speed which is amazing. This card is not cheap and for level 3 you will need to give around 4.5 USD.

Rush Townsend - great card especially in combination with Gabalano Soldier. You want to play this in mid-mana matches. Since Townsend is fast it will probably have the opportunity to attack at least two times. The only downside in the Bronze league is the lack of Piercing ability. You can get 1 BCX for about 10 USD but maybe there could be better/cheaper choices for your deck.

Daigendark Surveyor - it is a cheap card(when we talk about mana) and a card that you will probably use a lot to fill in slots when playing in low-mana matches. If you decided on this card I would recommend at least level two because of extra health. Level two can be bought for about 1.8 USD. Not cheap, I know.

Anasth Soothsayer - an interesting card that has Tank Heal ability on level two. You would rather play this card instead of Merdaali Guardian in mid-mana matches. Since you need level two price could be an obstacle because now you have to pay 1.6 USD per BCX. But Really good card if you ask me.

Daarg Deadblast - probably the best Water card in the Rebellion set because of the Weapon Training ability. It opens so many opportunities and it is a must-have card. It is possible to buy one for about 16 USD per BCX.

Lurking Puffer - low mana-cost card that you need in any deck as a meat shield before your small magic dealing monsters. I would recommend level three because of the extra health, but that would cost you around 4 USD.

Blackmoor Nymph - low mana cost card that you need for your magic dealing Earth deck and it can serve you well in those Poison matches because of Immunity ability. At 2.3 USD for level two, this is not so pricey.

Wailing Wraith - interesting card because of its Armored Strike ability. It pairs very well with Ravenhood Warden and his Protect ability. Level two would cost around 6 USD and that is not the amazing price for this card.

Fenmoor Haunt - amazing card that paired well with Uraeus and Silent Sha-Vi making Sneak attack a thing for Death Splinter. Of course, this card is not as good as Undead Badger but it should be cheaper, at least in the future. Right now, level three you would pay around 3.2 USD.

Runeseer Sevaya - Sevaya is not that good in Bronze but still can be used with any Weapon Training monster. Cleanse is nice but the real benefit comes from Protect ability and with decent health pool. The only problem is its price of 14 USD per BCX so there could be better cards to pick instead.

Moxian Rebel - this is a card about which I am a little bit unsure. It is an amazing card because of Weapon Training ability but your health is really low so you should be careful with positioning and it could be weak to Opportunity attack. The bigger problem here is its price of 2.4 USD per BCX.

These cards seem to be most important for a Bronze League deck and they should enable some new strategies in combination with Chaos Legion and Riftwatchers cards. Of course prices of Rebellion cards are really high and maybe it is not the best time to invest but if you are desperate to improve your deck try to rent those cards first and then decide if they fit your playstyle.

If you are just starting maybe it would be best to take a closer look at Chaos Legion cards that are very cheap and strong. In my opinion, CL cards should be used as a core while Rebellion should add those extra options on top of the core deck.

I already bought some of the cards that I mentioned here for my alt account, but only 1 BCX. I still haven't decided that is the right time for the Rebellion expansion on my accounts. But I am 100% sure that I will acquire all Rebellion cards, and of course, I will start with those that are most useful to me.

In the end, this is not financial advice. Please do your own research before investing. From a gameplay perspective - try to rent cards and play a season or two. Sometimes cards look very good on paper but in practice, you don't use that card very often so it is better to invest in cards that better suit your playstyle.

In the end, I am really happy with the new #rebellion set that brought our #splinterlands to a whole new level. Let's keep #playtoearn and good luck on the battlefield!


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Thanks for sharing! - @underlock