Splinterlands Card Floors Are Being Swept!

in #splinterlands2 years ago

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Don't look now, but the floors of many cards are being bought up. What does that mean? People are coming in and buying up a lot of cards at one time, pushing the price up.

The legendary reward cards, Harklaw and Djinn Bilka have both doubled in price today.

I should know, I bought a Djinn earlier for a buck, ten. I've been buying them for around a dollar for the last couple of weeks, but all of a sudden the floor was swept and now they are over $2 each.

I picked up a gold Harklaw for $29 today. Immediately after seeing the floor swept for the regular foil, I grabbed a gold one.

I like the card and I don't have a good gold tank for death. I play gold a lot for my guild - NFT Gaming and Collectibles.

Keep an eye on the floors. This is happening more and more. It could mean that we've really hit a bottom.

But who knows??? This isn't financial advice, lol.


That is quite interesting to see. Do we know why they went up in price or did someone just stock up on a ton of the cards?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

someone just bought a bunch of cards. We'll need cards for land!

Posted using Splintertalk