HELLO EVERYONE! Its time to take the first step on our journey.

Splinterlands Beginners Guide 2.0 (Part1).jpg

Splinterlands is an NFT Game, where players play with cards and interact with other players through battles. It is one of the growing NFT Game today and many players are joining this game every single day. Since it is an NFT game, it has cryptocurrency. Aside from cryptocurrency, there are also other enjoyable things that you can do here. You can battle, buy and sell cards, compete on a tournament, join quilds, buy lands, and many more.

Sounds exciting, right? To know more about the Game Interface and Cryptocurrencies of Splinterlands, let's start the discussion.


The game interface is like the menu of the game. On this page, you can see all the major things it offers. Splinterlands have many things to offer to its players and every single thing is surely enjoyable.

This is the main activity in the game. Every players can Battle with another player using the starter cards or their own cards. There are also two types of battle here: the Modern and the Wild.
Items are compose of Cards and Other Items. In cards, this is where you can see all of your cards in the game and in Other Items, this is where you can see other things that Splinterlands have. So make sure to explore this.
Market is the place in Splinterlands where players can buy, sell, and rent their cards. There are also other suggested markets here that players may consider. So it is so important to visit this icon if you want to improve your level.
Open is an icon in Splinterlands where players can open cards and combine packs with different kinds of potions and stones. This is such an enjoyable moment in Splinterlands but I'd say expensive as well.
Shop is an icon where players can buy Packs, Gems, Skins, Soulkeep, Licenses, and Potions. I promises these things are very good to have in the game.
Events is one of the most exciting offers of Splinterlands. Here, players can join tournaments and win prizes. There are rules for every tournament in order to make sure of the fairness in the game. Everyone should try this. It is very enjoying.
Guilds is the place in the game where players can create teams. It also offers other enjoyable things but this one can be somehow expensive, depending on the rules imposed on the Guild.
Land is one of the newest feature in the game. Here in lands, players can buy and there are many amazing benefits it can give to the owner.
Soulkeep is the newest feature in Splinterlands. As of now, only chosen players are allowed to use it. But as far as I know, Splinterlands already discussed this new feature to the community. Exciting, right!
Help is the most functional icon in Splinterlands. Here, you can gather lots of information. You can also raise concerns here through their chatbot and later on, one of them will help and guide you on your concern.

So that's all guys! As you notice, I did not go on to every detail of Game Interface because these things above will be the focus of this blog series. For the next blog episode of Splinterlands Guide 2.0, we will talk about Battle and Items so stay tune for that.


Before we end this, I just want to discuss breifly the cryptocurrencies that Splinterlands have. It is very important to have knowledge about these cryptos, on how to earn them and their use in the game, especially if you are eyeing for an income in the game. Splinterlands have three currencies that offer: the Credits, Dark Energy Crystals (D.E.C.), and Splintershards (S.P.S.).



CREDITS are on of the currencies in the game. The only difference of this currency to other currencies in the game is that, Credits cannot be monetized directly. It can only be use to buy items. It cannot be transfer as well to other players and to other platform. But even though it has that kind of limitations, still, we cannot deny it huge effect in the game. Credits serves as the real currency in the normal game since you cannot monetize it. Many people think that it is a bad thing but I can see it actually as a good thing. You can use credits as a stagnant currency in the game in order to avoid the massive price change of DEC and SPS, negatively.



DARK ENERGY CRYSTALS or also known as D.E.C. is one of the main currency in Splinterlands. This currency have monetary value. As of now, one (1) D.E.C. is equivalent to 0.0008442 USD. It is very low but it is still very helpful in the game to gain larger amount of cryptos. D.E.C. can be used to buy cards, potions, and many other things in the game. Actually, you can use it to buy anything in the game. It can be transfer as well into other platforms to monetize and it can also be use to transfer in another players.



SPLINTERSHARDS also know as SPS. As of now, SPS is the main crypto in Splinterlands. This is the crypto that players may obtain during battle and on the reward chest. SPS have higher value compared to DEC. As of now, its value in the market is $0.02850058. In lower levels, it is hard to obtain SPS but as you level up, you can gain higher SPS. There are other ways to increase your SPS in the game and that is through staking. So far, SPS cannot be use to buy in the game but it can be converted to DEC in order to buy in the game.

So that's it guys! The first blog episode of Splinterlands Beginners Guide 2.0 Series. Stay tune for future contents!

So that's all! Do you have a content you want me to do? Just comment it down below and I will try to add that on my blogging content.

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Disclaimer: The first photo is from canva. Other photos used are not from me, they are from the rightful owner.


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