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RE: Excited for Splinterland's Chaos Legion!

in #splinterlands3 years ago

He even plays it on mobile without the many details available we PC players see on the screen but still he does better than me. Ugh!

Nowadays I also play it on mobile, but just/only because I cannot afford a PC, nor a laptop.

Either way, the game is still very much fun, and I am happy to see more and more people discovering it.


What do you mean you can't afford a laptop or a computer?

You are here and very active you should have the money to afford them now right or am I assuming too much

Not really. I live alone in Hungary under the local minimum wage with multiple disabilities. I will get through the winter, thanks to the financial help of some Hive community members. I will write posts about this in the near future. Even the simple living is difficult in this situation. Especially in the winter. Believe it or not, I was homeless multiple times during my life. Even as a child.

I would have never known. I'm disabled by kidney failure. It's nice meeting you here. You are the first person from Hungary that I have interacted. I really hope life gets better for all of us here.

Damn dude I will try to follow your posts