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RE: Chaos Legion Updates & Official Doctor Blight Reveal

in #splinterlands2 years ago

No, the final 12M packs will be purchasable without vouchers.

Once the 2M Chaos Legion packs from the phase 2 sale are all sold (however long that takes), then the remaining 12M Chaos Legion packs will be available for general sale. These packs will NOT require VOUCHER tokens to purchase


so newer players will have a hard time to buy packs? i don't know it´s a good strategy to attract new players :)

New players are still coming, so it doesn't seem to be hurting anything.

Hi could you confirm I understood this correctly too? Was a little confused about the different phases and vouchers.

Will I be able to use voucher tokens to purchase the pack during the general sale and get bonus or does it only work for bulk purchase?

Only works for bulk. If you buy 99 packs or less, even if you have vouchers, they will not be used to get bonus packs.

oh I see thank you!