# Ranked Rewards - still working out for me? - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 2 Report Card

in #splinterstats2 years ago (edited)



Hi everyone!

I definitely think this season is a more accurate comparison of how Ranked Rewards will work out for me in the long run. Last season I played a lot more games than usual because I was so curious to see how it would all work out... this season I played more like I normally would... so let's see how that worked for me...

I'll be comparing this season to the Season 74 Report Card more than the first Ranked Rewards Report Card.

Match Report


Champion Rank762
Rating3848 - Champion III
Rating High3879
Ratio (Win/Loss)1.15 (97/84)
Longest Streak8

In Season 74, my Ratio was 1.25 (84/67) for a Rating of 3865 and a Rank of 292 - so you can see already that there is a lot more energy nowadays at the top of the leagues. I was only 17 points lower this season (so very similar in Rating) but below an extra 500 accounts. More accounts are pushing higher than they were, and so competition is extremely intense around Champs III (and I'd say probably everywhere honestly).

Definitely gone are the days of scraping into Champs III and stopping so that you don't drop... because in the old days that'd get you 80 Loot Chests... and now when I scraped into Champs III, I think I had only accumulated 25(ish) Loot Chests.... so you have to keep pushing.

In Season 74 I won 84 (of 151 games) and received 80 Loot Chests... and in this season I won 97 games (of 181) and won 41 Loot Chests.... so a significant decrease.

Hopefully the rewards of the 41 are comparable to the 80... but, um, yeah, that's probably not likely.

I also noticed... towards the end of the season, each win was getting me around 6-8 DEC... which is super low from the 30(ish) DEC I used to get per win.

Rewards Report

Standard Foil Cards
Total Standard30925
Gold Foil Cards
Total Gold3375

Loot Chests

Reward ChestsDailiesSeasonTotal💲Token
Legendary Potions336🟡 240
Alchemy Potions347🟡 350
DEC62883744-🟣 10032
CHAOS Packs033🟡 12000
Cards (Total)102333🟣 1300

Captured DEC (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsDEC Earned
97🟣 1385

Total Ranked Play Rewards

Total Ranked Play Earnings
🟣 12717 DEC
🟡 12590 CREDITS

In Season 74, I won 101 Total Standard Reward cards... so again a big decrease here for winning more games. Interestingly though, the DEC value of the 101 standard cards was 1155... so obviously that Harklaw legendary I pulled in my EoS Loot Chests made the DEC value comparable...

For Gold Foil cards, in Season 74 I won 2 Common and 1 Rare, so the DEC value was double the amount here.

Obviously I'm getting a lot less potions now... but in Season 74 I won about 640 DEC in total between Dailies and the Season... so the Ranked Rewards are definitely providing a lot more DEC now.

In Season 74, the Captured DEC for 84 Ranked Play wins was 3010... so well more than double than what it is now.

Ranked Play Earnings though are significantly different now...

In Season 74 I got:
🟣 5555 DEC
🟡 9740 CREDITS

I'm getting over double the DEC now. So yeah, less per win but more in Loot Chests.

🟣 Rental Report

TypeDEC (fees)
Revenue21007.068 (217.892)
Cancellation Refunds0.000

Rentals are a little higher but still comparable to before the Ranked Rewards. So no real difference there.

⭐ SPS Report

Type⭐ Amount Claimed
Staking Rewards5485.913
NET SPS29549.198
+ Voucher Drops991.308 🎟️

I've definitely noticed my daily SPS airdrop amounts getting smaller and smaller each day... and you can see the TOTAL SYSTEM AIRDROP POINTS continually growing. It's currently 18,313,040,647 but 15 days ago it was 16.5B... so clearly lots of accounts are accumulating more assets.

We'll definitely have one more season, maybe two, with the Splintershards airdrop still in play (24 days to go) and then it'll be very interesting times. Will the node licenses come into play or will tournaments be the only play to acquire SPS for a while? Eventually we'll be able to get SPS from battles, brawls, etc.

Despite getting half the chests, I still like Ranked Rewards. I am getting a lot more DEC now, which means I can buy the cards I want... but I do really enjoy getting cards in chests. I do love that there is more competition at the top and I'm not terrified to land in Champs III and stop.

How did you go? Is Ranked Rewards better or worse for you?

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card.
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
Follow @splinterstats and come visit us in Discord if you have any questions.




:D :D
At least I was higher than 50% this last season... for once.

You must have a mass of SPS staked - Nice!

Wahey! That's way better than 50%. I don't know why but I obsess over my Win/Loss Ratio. It doesn't even matter and I check it every few days to make sure it's around 1. Which is weird, because it's not like I can just, try harder to win more games.

Hmm, why do you think you earnt so much less DEC for Ranked Play Wins even though you won so much more times? Did you spend more time in lower leagues?

This season I've only just broken into Diamond III, I could not get out of Gold, so I expect to have more loot chests but probably less DEC Earned for Ranked Play Wins.

I've staked all of my SPS since the start, except for what I needed for the Nodes, so yeah, I've got a bit now for the last few days...

Ah, I meant 50% out of the total. My bad explaining.

Hmm, why do you think you earnt so much less DEC for Ranked Play Wins even though you won so much more times?

Capture rate is low. I played all of those in 2 days or so. My goal at the moment is to get into C2 - once there, I stop playing normally.

I wait for late in the season to start - last season it was around 7 days left. This is a short season though it seems - so I will have to start playing soon.

I am losing DEC hand over fist at the moment, but gaining a little more SPS in the pools.

That was an interesting write up. Helped me learn a few things! Thanks.
I don't want to go into the kind of detail you went into, but I feel like my rewards have been a bit better than they used to be the last couple seasons. Like, more chests and more dec and also more actual cards. I'm not ranked as high as you though, my max rank is silver 1 I think?

Yeah, I think the rewards are far more like a sliding scale now rather than several milestones where the rewards jump up a lot if you reach those milestones. I'm definitely a fan of the new Ranked Rewards set up, even if my older playstyle might not necessarily suit it. I'm happy to change with the times.

I agree about the increase in DEC rewards in the reward chests. I used to be just about break even after my card rentals every season. Now, I'm getting positive returns.

From a lower league (I'm at Silver), the Ranked rewards are definitely better. I get like 2 times the reward chests over the old format. 😄

That's honestly great news! Personally I'd be more than happy to take a cut of rewards at the higher leagues if it meant people at the lower leagues were doing better now than in the old system.

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