
Poor chicken, hiding in the mana-less corner 👀🐔

Thanks for trying out the report card 👌

Amazing tool! I'm very thankful to @jfang003 for showing it to me and of course the amazing creator who made it! 😉

As for that chicken, well him and I have a troubled relationship. :P I'm hoping this season we're a bit better teammates!

Thank you!

Nice job posting it before the season end. Now you have a copy of it to compare to next season. All that rage over the chicken over neutral quests happens all the time to you Lol.

I love to procrastinate! :P

That chicken is in for a long new season with me.

I need to buy one for myself. The season is over so the next report card is open and you can publish it when you have time. I just got around to checking mine and I did about the same as last season.