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RE: # (Champ II) - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 39 Report Card

in #splinterstats4 months ago

I would love to play a few battles in modern each season. Unfortunately, if I only play a few battles, I'll risk dropping down a full league. If I play modern I would have to fully commit to doing it every day for a season and I don't have the time.

I also don't have rebellion cards so I think I'd be at a disadvantage in modern.

Are you going to do a season report? I wanna see how your rewards turned out!


Yes, I should start doing the reports again. Last season might have been my most successful to date. For the past 7 seasons or so, I have started each season by letting XBOT play my deck to Wild Champ 1, which it typically achieves after 4-6 days. Then I spend the rest of the season with XBOT disabled, playing manually in Modern League.

This past season, I was able to play the account into Champ 1 in modern and wild for the first time since I started battling this way. Very nice to be able to start the season in Champ 3 now for both modern and wild. Hopefully, with this rating advantage, I should be able to maintain the account getting into Champ 1 for both formats each season.

Here's a sneak peek at my record by format for this last ranked reward season:

Szn39 Duce Match.png

That is impressive @ducecrypto! What did your SPS earnings look like for the season? 1.36 win ratio in modern is crushing it too.

I came to game and I've also made a nice investment into playable Rebellion cards. I'm still a collector at heart, so I'm less concerned with playing the market or renting out the expensive chase cards right now. Here is my SPS return, mind you I play mostly with GF cards.

Szn39 Duce SPS.png

That's a great season, thanks for sharing! I love your attitude :-)