User Onboarding, Reward Changes and a Rental Market for Skins | Splinter Stats Season 44 Report

in #splinterstats2 months ago (edited)

The way @splinterlands game work and offer Rewards is considerably different compared to the early parts of the year. These changes have been a very good change IMHO and I enjoy playing the game more than I used to. What I would like to see more of is more player activity. @peakmonsters is a great place to find useful statistics. Dashboard provides data for upto six months.

As you can see, despite the good news we have been having, there is no major improvement in Daily Active Users or the rate of new signups. What is most important is the number of Spellbooks purchased. These are players who have been converted to become investors in @splinterlands. There have been only 936 of them over the last six months. Most of the marketing team was let go of during the bear market. Until we start spending on marketing again, it is best to not expect a large number of new investors joining.

Match Report


Champion Rank1517
Rating3700 - Champion III
Rating High3700
Ratio (Win/Loss)1.02 (211/206)
Longest Streak8

I am experiencing one of the best times of my Ranked Battle performance. I did made it to Champion I before Collection Power requirements were introduced (which were removed later). I am very happy about the progress I am making on the game. The best part is that I am now having more wins than losses in Battle. I used to have Ranked Ratios far lower than even 0.9 in 2023.

Rewards Report

Standard Foil Cards
Total Standard501
Gold Foil Cards
Total Gold29

Loot Chests

Reward ChestsDailiesSeasonTotal💲Token
Legendary Potions225113338🟡 13520
Alchemy Potions242126368🟡 18400
DEC00-🟣 0
SPS148.7410.000-⭐ 148.741
Merits11482034-🎀 3182
CHAOS Packs000🟡 0
Cards (Total)284246530-

Captured DEC/SPS (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsDEC Earned
211🟣 0 + ⭐244.561

Total Ranked Play Rewards

Total Ranked Play Earnings
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 31920 CREDITS
⭐ 393.302 SPS

The number of Max Level Cards I have is slowly increasing. Most of these are Regular Foil Cards and I am completely fine with it. Burning the extra Cards for Glint is a very desperate move. The typical reward of a Master Draw is a fraction of what it cost. In order to gain enough Glint for a Master Draw before any price increase, I have to burn 200 Common Regular Foil Cards!

I decided to mix up Elite Draws with the Master Draws over the course of the Season to attempt to get the best bang per buck (or in this case; Glint). The mechanic for Season End Loot changed from a fixed number to 2X of Glint earned over the Season. This is a good move to incentivize more Battles and slack off after reaching a new League. Each victory matters after this mid Season change!

🟣 Rental Report

Expenses (inc. fees)(5.055)
Cancellation Refunds0.000

One of the least talked about aspects of @splinterlands is is the Skins. Many of them are already sold out. I bought the complete set many years ago. They don't have any gameplay utility nor do they affect Rewards. Skins are purely cosmetic NFTs that once mattered to the SPS Airdrop calculations. What if there was a market to rent these Skins for the players who are interested! Skins are a considerable part of the in game economy for traditional multiplayer games.

Most of the Skins are already sold out and I do remember hearing about Cards being designed with skins in mind when I attended past Town Hall events. Imagine Skins had another utility by being able to be used as profile pictures!

⭐ SPS Report

Type⭐ Amount
Staking Rewards467.655
Ranked Rewards as above393.302
Brawl Rewards218.120
Land Rewards739.707
Tower Defense159.591
License Stake Rewards352.597
NET SPS2330.972

After the changes to Ranked Rewards, the SPS earnings have become a lot more predictable. There is no more chance to earn hundreds or thousands of SPS out of a Reward Chest. There are no more instances of Reward Chests with less that 1 SPS in them. I think Web 3 gaming Guild will like this change that provide easier to estimate earnings potential. I earn 2 - 3 times what I used to earn per Battle.

Business is as usual in the other areas of SPS earning. I will have to focus more on the utilizing more of my Land Plots. There is a good amount of untapped earnings if I can gather up the sufficient DEC for the job. I have been saving up VOUCHERs for some time. They will not be enough for my current plans. Overall I think VOUCHERs are an underrated asset that can save a lot of money for those are intending to purchase Booster Packs or Promo Cards directly from @splinterlands. These purchases come with a chance to win certain prizes that buyers from secondary markets won't have the same access to.

This Glint Boost is one area that I have to improve with more SPS Staked. I would like o keep the Staked SPS Booster above 10 if possible. It will be a very difficult job as I will have to take some profits when we are close to the top of the bull market.

LeoDEX is bringing serious an impressive interoperability for $HIVE and eventually other Tokens that are built on top of HIVE. Onboarding players and investors get easier with these advancements and DEX users are going to have a good time over the coming years. Reliance on Binance and (for SPS) is not a smart move. It make sense to to collaborate with centralized entities to push cryptosphere forward. CEXs have done many great things for cryptosphere. That does not mean they are in line withe the decentralized free market ethos of cryptocurrency.

Keep in mind that LeoDEX has not even been around for a week while others that are ranked above LeoDEX have had 30 days to to reach the numbers they are showing. Maya Protocol should be very happy that they decided to work with @leofinance team!

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
Follow @splinterstats and come visit us in Discord if you have any questions.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


What is most important is the number of Spellbooks purchased. These are players who have been converted to become investors in @splinterlands.

Anyone, who bought a card or a card pack can be seen as an investor. I bought the Beta starter set on 2018.12.30. I am a player too. Probably most of the investors are players too. With encouraging to play/keep playing, there would be more active players. The recent changes in the reward system with the Glint is a good step in this direction.

Good luck and have fun.

There are even more changes made after the article was published. They have been for the better. I feel better about the overall direction @splinterlands is going. The game looks more modern and with a better experience for new players we could see more people become a part of the community.

I see that they updated the appearance of Splinterlands game. Most of these changes are good, but recently I found out that the Soulbound reward cards we receive from the various Draw purchases are currently locked, which means that we cannot send, sell, nor delegate these cards. This is very demotivating and discouraging.

As long as these cards are locked, we do not have no true ownership over these cards (which is the main advantage of Splinterlands against other similar games). Of course I continue playing Splinterlands for now. I hope that these cards will be unlocked in the future.

Good luck and have fun.

Soulbound Cards will be transferable and used like the other Cards once they are out of print and users stake DEC to unlock the Cards. At the moment, they are a special perk to those players who actively play the game and earn the Cards. The goal is to reward the players without flooding the market with new Cards. I think the current Soulbound system was a good compromise since it will be possible to remove the Soulbound status later.

This is good to know. Thank you.


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