Starter Deck vs 3 Legendaries? No Problem!

in #splintertalk3 years ago

Hello everybody, how have you been? Today, I am going to show you a match I played using only the starter deck cards. I managed to win someone with 3 legendaries in the match-up and I thought this particular match might be inspiring for those who think that Splinterlands is a pay-to-win game.

Splinterlands is not pay-to-win. In fact, most of the matches boil down to strategizing and predicting your opponent's weakness. This is one of the games I played in Silver 1. I love that the starter deck can still win some games!

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In this match, I had a choice to play Water or Light (I do not have any useful cards in those decks) so I decided to use Water because of the game mode: Monsters lose all abilities. I also assumed that the opponent will use Water as the +1 magic damage from the Summoner is important in winning this match.

I had a mana cap of 28, which made me automatically include the 4 crucial cards in the Starter Deck (which are also Magic type): Medusa, Elven Mystic, Ice Pixie, and Enchanted Pixie. These are the 4 cards that are always played whenever you have more than 16 mana to use. The rest is figuring out what other monsters to put in my lineup.

When I assumed that my opponent is using Water, I assumed that my opponent will be using Magic monsters, so I need my tanks to have a high base HP. The only cards in the starter pack that has High base hp are Spinback Turtle and Elven Defender. With that, I completed my lineup. I placed Spineback Turtle at the front as the fodder to soak up damage because it has only 1 speed and I didn't think it would have a chance to hit before it dies. I also placed Enchanted Pixie and Ice Pixie at the back because of their low max hp.

The game was extremely close and I could only see a clear winner at round 4. It was a 2v1 then and thus my win was secured.

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Watch the full battle here!

I won the game by a narrow margin but what made me happy was that I was able to win someone that had powerful cards. Have fun in your games and never look down on the starter deck. Till next time!
