Opening Multiple CL packs!

in #splintertalk3 years ago

open multi.png

After a rough day of work and chores, I decided that the best way to unwind was to give myself a kind of rush. Hopefully it was a good one. I started opening a few packs. A few became a bit, until it was 12 packs opened! Then I got super frustrated because out of those 12 packs, I GOT NOTHING GOOD. I'm not even going to share the results of my pack opening. My luck was well and truly in the crapper. BUT I decided I needed to sleep well tonight. I had to go big! I decided to try out the function to open multiple packs!


For those that didn't know. You can click here and indicate how many packs you want to open, then TADA! It'll open. So for my itchy hands, I decided to open 7 packs!



This was amazing! Based on the pulls on this, I was able to get around 80 USD in value of cards. I immediately sold all the summoners, but I'm having trouble selling my first ever GF Epic. I guess it's a sign that I should just hodl it.

How goes your pack openings? Any luck? Share yours down below!



  • Cover photo created using and the included elements
  • Logos and images used are from Splinterlands

If you want to create a new account, feel free to use my referral link below! I'd be happy to delegate some cards to help you get started.


I'd definitely hold onto the chaos legion cards for a while before selling any of them. If you can wait for a while that gold foil Djinn Inferni will be worth way more in the future once the CL packs have been sold out for a while.

I'm really liking these new summoners too, I think they're fitting in nicely with the past editions and should be some of the most used summoners for a long time.

I've just been selling cards now because I'm trying to get more value via the airdrop than the cards. I was actually considering the cancelling my GF for sale but It was just sold an hour ago xD Oh well, hopefully I get a new one soon!

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Thanks for sharing! - @ashikstd

Nice pull.