Splinterlands Fanart Contest Week 181 - General Sloan

in #splintertalk2 years ago (edited)


Splinterlands Fanart Contest: Week 181 - General Sloan

Name's Chev and I'm back with another entry to @splinterlands weekly fanart contest!

This week's entry is the New Life Chaos Legion Summoner, General Sloan!
Woot! Woot!

I just completed my Evasion Strat Life Splinter led by General Sloan!
To celebrate, I made my fanart of the awesome general, with a twist!

Before I show you the process of how I made the fanart tho, lemme show you the OG art first!

General Sloan.png

General Sloan from Splinterlands.com

Sloan's art is fantastic but I can't help NOT put my own twist into the character, so..

..here it is!



general sloan sketch.png

As always, we start with a sketch. The twist I hinted at earlier is quite obvious right away. :D
Instead of drawing the same character from the card, I took the artistic liberty to incorporate its design as costume for MY General Sloan.



general sloan lineart.png

Once I'm satisfied with the character composition, I then used the same brush, but a much refined stroke, to draw a clean line art. This is in preparation for the next step.


Flat Colors

general sloan flats.png

Using the original card art as reference, I mapped out base colors of the clothing. Photoshop's color picker tool is helpful in this step since I wanna be as faithful to the OG colors as much as I can.


Shadows and Highlights

general sloan full color.png

The most fun part of coloring for me is when I add the shadows and highlights! This stage is often experimental for me since I am still studying how to color. Hopefully, by doing this every week, I get to figure out the style I wanna polish in the future.



general sloan bg.png

For this piece's background, since the drawing itself is quite detailed, I went with something simpler. A bullseye together with the Life Splinter's muted colors, I figured, should be enough to make Sloan pop out.


Final Piece

general sloan final piece.png

And.. its done! :D

I super enjoyed working on this piece while trying to figure out the coloring style I wanna use this week. I hope you liked it, too!

What card should I make a fanart of next week? Please let me know in the comments section below!

Sa uulitin! Paalam~

ign: @quickdrawchev

PS: For my Life Splinter Deck, please check out my Youtube Channel: Furious Chicken.
Thanks much!


Very cool!

thankssss!! :D Do you have a request for next week? or should I continue with the final 2 CL summoners? I did Thaddy, Kelya and Sloan so far :D

I'd like to see the final two summoners. The first 3 were great!

ohhh. I forgot there are 7 summoners XD I guess we have 4 more weeks of CL summoners lol

Excellent artwork as always.

thanksss!! :D


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Why you gonna be so cool? Very stylized fan art man such a bulls eye keep it up!

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wow! thank you so much!! :D I love adding spice to my drawings hehe

Yay! 🤗
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thank sooo much!

Excellently made! Great work!

Never thought General Sloan is actually a girl. 😃



one can dream, my friend. one can dream lol

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