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RE: ADSactly Sports - Getting your "Bell Rung": The growing issue of concussions in sports

in #sports6 years ago (edited)

Hello brother @adsactly, I really did not know that this was so, I practiced many sports when I had several "minor" injuries for example, cycling, weights, baskeball, volleyball, swimming, boxing, among others, in the latter, was where I received, many blows on the head, and sometimes I lost my sight momentarily, and many times fell to the ground by a heavy blow, now I ask, friend @adsactly this could cause problems in the future?


The research by Dr. Omalu shows that repeated blows to the head and multiple concussions over time can lead to difficulties in the future. The movie concussion does a great job of outlining the issues experienced by people who have had this repeated and prolonged impacts effecting the brain. I highly recommended watching it.