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RE: Time for Baseball to Make a Radical Change: Blow Up the Ninth Inning and Let the Stars Shine

in #sports7 years ago (edited)

I hear where you are coming from and agree that baseball is at a crossroads. There is definitely an associated risk of both change and inaction. I'm of the opinion that baseball has the most upside by staying as is.

As a society, we will all come to realize what we are doing to ourselves with instant everything all the time. I expect to see a significant pull-back to re-claim our use of time and start checking out of the hectic pace. When that happens, baseball will be there. Unchanged and ready for all. It already serves that purpose for me and many other fans alike.

Changing to accomodate the fickle is a major risk of alienating the devoted core audience.


You have my respect, but people said the same thing before the DH, wild card, and interleague. It's possible to maintain tradition and make a few tweaks to see if they help.