I can't believe these football players were only suspended for their heinous acts!

in #sports6 years ago

Thirteen rule breakers from the University of North Carolina football team have been suspended by the university.

Image labeled free to use

The 13 players will serve suspensions varying from 1 game to 4 games for their crimes against decency.

Luckily, the suspensions will be staggered so that not all 13 players will be out of uniform at the same time.

Although why the UNC would want these scumbags representing them at all is beyond me.*

How will the suspended players make up for the lost the game checks they receive for putting their present and future health on the line in order for the university, The NCAA, and the coaching staff to profit handsomely?

Oh that is easy. They don't get paid for putting their present and future health on the line in order for the university, The NCAA and the coaching staff to profit handsomely. So no problem. They can be replaced by some other livestock who entered into a legally binding agreement with a university represented by teams of lawyers when they were a teenager and not allowed any legal counsel at all.

I forgot to mention the crime.

These scoundrels dared to sell their own personal property to a willing buyer!

Oh the humanity!

How dare they!

The team received limited edition Air Jordan shoes. Businesses that resell valuable shoes offered the players money for their property. The players entered into the capitalistic exchange.


The highest price paid for the shoes was $2,500.

Head football coach Larry Fedora makes 1000 times that each year.

*It may be because the university makes millions of dollars off of these players' labor, likenesses and jersey sales.




This is modern slavery really lol

I posted this on scorum tonight so I could test out the site.