
The laste play of the first half is the play that turned around things! Kareem is nice as a Safetey!

Kareem’s hit at the goal line saved that game. He’s a good player when he’s healthy.

Yeah, @broncnutz! How about that bomb to Sutton? What>!:!

He’s so big and physical that he can shake a few tackles and get loose. He’s fun to watch with the ball that’s for sure.

Sir @broncnutz you are always working great, from my heart always salute you...
Always with you sir..

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Thought of you the entire game. Can't believe the Chargers are actually this bad but you played well. I loved to finally see that the Broncos are understanding how to use Lindsay and I like the toughness of Sutton. Still going to be so hard with KC in the division and the Raiders somehow winning games but a feel good victory just the same.

Finally a win! Our offense works so much better with Lindsay in the backfield.

Yes!!! They needed that win! They did need to get that streak put aside! Someday, I will have to tune in for a Livestream! They can be pretty fun.

There were some great defensive plays, and Lindsay did play well and maybe will get more playtime in the future.

Love it when you get excited about a game, especially a win! :) We can start cobbling out a future, even if there probably won't be a playoff year.


Denver rocked it! Winning the 500th game! Woo-hoo! I only got 15 minutes in and have to run off to work, so I will catch the rest later!!! Keep the Broncos in line!!!!

!tip .20

I hope that your favorite team, Broncos always wins.

broncos coming up nice along so good to see fans time to rejoice

Broncos coming up
Nice along so good to see
Fans time to rejoice

                 - blazing

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Keep up
Nice post

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